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Coping Strategies for a Stress Plan

a year ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


Great thread on stress management. What are your go to stress management activities or techniques?

11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are you and totally acceptable as you, if not would we be talking to you. My buttons are pretty hard to press. 

I've put on five pounds since starting to work outside but I look better. I have to remind myself that muscle is heavier than fat. Still I'd like to lose some more. Pretty hard to do after 60. I was 15 pounds lighter in hospital but the loss was all muscle. Took a long time to learn to walk again. Took a long time to have the strength to.

How well people tolerate you is a marker of how grumpy you really are or they are.

11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm probably more slow than most, so it's just from a place of arrogance that I made a judgement.  Sorry if I pressed any buttons that cast any shadow over your garden of paradise.
I found out today, as I manipulated a spreadsheet with great ease, that it took a lifetime for me to be able to do that, to the chagrin of those who might have been frustrated as I stumbled thru my career.
Sometimes my emotional timetable doesn't match the needs of those around me, and I wish I was always better than I was.  But I truly believe that, as the tennis player Arthur Ashe said, "I'm doing the best that I can with what I know, and when I know better...".  Whatever the ending was, I did the same in the past.
Losing some weight recently probably made me more grumpy than usual, if that's possible.  Maybe I'll wake up with compassion, since I need a good dose of it to deal with the patience of daily life, and caring for a wonderful parent who is a saint.
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
CBT is a good way to cope and it is proof that we can cope with almost everything with a plan. On the other hand I do not know if there is a coping skill for stupidity. Such as too much work and too little rest day after day. Even if the accomplishment is a good feeling.

I seem to have forgot that my body has a limited amount of use I can get out of it. I need a coping skill for stupidity since I find it almost impossible to take time off. Sunny at least nagged enough that the stupidity became obvious. The worst part of this, because tomorrow is another day, is the anxiety that comes with the fatigue. This is not the kind of fatigue that comes at the end of the day and is a good feeling. It is the kind that is there all day and causes anxiety. A foot dragging kind of restlessness. 

Hugs, I have been accused of ignoring people. But really it is just that I don't cater to people that visit me. I'm busy and time is short, if they can do it themselves I let them. If they want to help I let them. If your friends want a resort they should go to one. Your friend sounds like my family and you know what I did with them. 
But then it comes down to how much social a person needs and can do without. I can do without a lot. Especially that type. 

"I'd rather be a forest than a street" (Simon and Garfuncle)


PS. I hope your friend does not have access to this post.
11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
One of the social stresses is hosting a friend this weekend.
Because she didn't wish to spend money on activating her telephone internet plan, and as computer illiterate as she is, she decided to complain about it.  What was strange is she asked for my cell number, but didn't give me hers. 
I'm afraid I fell into a trap of agreeing to take her somewhere, and she just unleashed a huge amount of stress on me, telling me people were waiting(so why did she call me?) and she didn't know when to call me(why not spend the money at a payphone?)
I forgot that being around people with huge unmanaged stress just irritates me.
I'll have to deal with nuisance behaviours like being judgemental in my parent's home, and imposing her "help" despite our wishes.  This is probably since she's lost control of many areas of her life, and everyone else has to suffer.
There has to be to deal with  this, maybe by setting firm boundries. 
Oh well, a nice spring weekend might be lost.
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

We can get some really strange weather here. I'm between two mountain ranges, the Rocky's and the Caribou's. It is not more than a mile between them where I am with valleys through them on both sides practically in my back yard. The peaks still have snow so any wind is cold. It rained twice but was otherwise hot unless the wind blew. Then the sky was black and it was cold. Ten minutes later it was hot and clear again. Still waiting for the thunder storm we were supposed to get.

I got restless so started more seeds in the green house. Then I transplanted a bunch of plants to two flower beds. Then since I still was not dead I weeded two beds, just small ones but still! 

I have some Virginia Creeper to move and some horse radish to dig up. I've been digging it up for three or four years now. It still comes back. I put a whole box of salt in the hole last time I dug it up. It came up some where else instead.
Virginia Creeper snuck under the wall into one green house. It grew like crazy.

So far I have only one tulip open, A plain pink one. The only Lilies I have are Tigers, all the others died out. Or the voles ate them. They burrow down and eat the bulbs. They ate my star shaped Tulips. They don't like Garlic though or chives.

Barometric changes this time of year make me really sore. It will pass. 
As you can see my coping strategy seems to be stay too busy to notice. That doesn't help at night though. Sometimes I need coping skills. Most times I just sleep. Not like a few years ago when I was scared to sleep. I thought that might come back when Sunny left but it didn't. It may yet, but so far so good. I'll have to ask her son how she is since I asked for a clean break. Maybe later we can Email.

Oh speaking of Lavender, I managed to start half a flat of two kinds, now I need some where to put it in. Putting it under my pillow is supposed to be calming. It is one of the first things Sunny gave me. I have to find room for Thyme and Rosemary too. Oregano needs harvesting and drying. Asparagus is starting.

I'll definitely send pictures when stuff gets up. Monks Hood should flower this year, I divided it and moved it. I'm feeding the humming birds so they will stick around and eat the mosquitoes. I have Swallow boxes too.

Supper time now and then a movie I think. (DVD)

11 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you...Glad you enjoyed them..
Good to see your getting some rain and getting a little time off..It is hot and sunny here today temp 99 degrees...
Would love to see a pic when every thing is in bloom. I love tulips and Lilacs. 
Replaced the lilies in the back yard that died last year with lavender and 4 or 5 drought resistant plants and new roses some large some small. The humming birds and orioles love it.. It is still a work in progress and not in full bloom yet. The new plants are still getting accustomed to there new surrounds..
It will be interesting...
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've never been able to just take one or two days off, I wish I could. I envy those who can. I have to work on this.

11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Pretty flowers.

Still raining here. I'm not getting much done but then I could use some time off.

My yellow rose will be a small bush with tiny flowers, just lots of them. Tulips are opening and Lilacs.

11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Vincenza,
I need some rest.  Mentally, I'm making mistakes, but that's ultimately connected to the physical drainage of energy too, isn't it?
eg. I lost my way driving, I drove over a curb in a parking lot, I left my car running, I put the wrong ingredient in a recipe.

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