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7 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
New to the forum I am glad I found an active forum.

I have been drinking for 21 years and I am sick and tired of it. I worked hard and weaned myself down to 5 days no drinking. I drink on the weekend cuz I am tired and stressed. I don't drink until the evening but it's 6 beers sometimes 8 I am tired of it I just want stop all together. Had a horrible dream about it and that makes me even more scared. Hate it sitting drinking instead of just chilling with no alcohol. Crazy thing I am single mom youngest is 8 and I have so much to live for. I want to be free of  weekend binge.  Some might not call 6 beers a binge but I consider it a binge cuz it's 21 years too many.I am glad I ran into this forum. I want to go through my first weekend with no alcohol. Any advise or pointers will gladly be accepted.
I just want to be free of this and ready for a sober life.
7 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What do I do, the first step

Gus is right,
Purchase the book by Allen Carr , "The Easy way to Stop Drinkkng" it opens your mind and has you look at reality. I love this book now alcohol is a poison and a trap. Many people got out of the trap. Like Julie says not all of us are wired the same. I drank everyday for 20 years and got sick of it last weekend. It's day 7 for me the first days was hard this weekend was a lot of work. But I did lots of reading ,walking , swimming , drinking tons of water , tea and lots of prayer. I went alcohol free! Weekend, and it was hard but I got through it. Very best of advise read on how bad your life can get and get out of that hole your digging yourself in and making a prison walls. You need to get all the alcohol out of your house and just put it down and don't run the store anymore. Make sure your husband supports you and doesn't drink with you. You can do this. If a lot of people can so can you and I. I even went to 2 AA meetings and that was an eye opening. 

Take care put the bottle down and pray have faith. Stay busy and active. Watch Kevin O'Hara YouTube very inspiring.

7 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
New to the forum I am glad I found an active forum.

Cut it off completely I used The Easy Way by Dr. Allen Carr and prayer. It depends on each individual how they want to leave it. I weaned myself after the Holidays. I was completely ready to cut it off in February. With lots of willpower, prayer and faith I am now alcohol free. I  tried before , quitting  cold turkey, but  never worked. Because it made me feel deprived  and depressed. I do not think of drinking or ever I want to pick one up.  I love my life and I thank God he gave me the willpower strength and signs that it was time to quit. As I read some of the stories they are still in the alcohol trap. The trap I was in. I feel for them but only they can get themselves out. Thank you replying and helping out. 
7 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What do I do, the first step

Thank you Dhalia.
Yes is it was hard. Going to two weekends now not one drink on the weekend or during the week. I put it down and it starts by quit making excuses. I use to make the excuses you made in you're previous post. I am depressed ,I have to work, I am single, life it tough, it was a crappy day, my friend passed away, for every excuse I made an excuse to take a drink. If it wasn't depression it was oh I need a drink to be me again. I just got tired of excuses and took those hard steps and got myself out of that drinking jail cell. 
You are very blessed you have a supporting husband. And parents.  Don't drink to the point you lose him you will find yourself in  a deeper mess. The best day to stop is today. I am glad I stopped because it was making me more and more depressed and feeling bad about everything and myself all the time. 

7 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
new nondrinker with a challenge

I quit drinking with no alcohol in the house for the first 2 weeks. After a couple weeks my son brought beer for himself but I asked him and made sure he kept it in a cooler in his room and not to drink in front of me. I am now alcohol free for about 4 weeks now and I love it! Best decision I ever made for my health and life! When you have another drinker in the house it makes it so tuff but it will be so worth it! Take it one day at a time and best thing and advise don't let a drop touch your lips or give into drinking. It gets easier and better each day goes by.