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9 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone! ;)

So I decided to give up smoking forever.
I'm that kind of person who likes smoking, who likes the ritual, you know the coffee+cigarette combo, but now I start to realize, that smoking is just control my life, and it's frighten me. I want to be free again. It's weird but I can't remember that feeling, to being free, because I started smoking when I was 12 years old... now I'm 23, so all of my "teen years" went away with this nasty habit. I can't concentrate my things now, I concentrate just the smoking, to give it up. It's the most important thing for me now, to stop it, and after that I can continue my life and reach my aims.
I want to stop it on Sunday, so Monday will be my first smoking free day. On Wednesday I will start a new work, I'm afraid of the new environment a little-bit, but I think it will be good, it's a seasonal work on summer. And after this, I will have my matriculation on 2nd of July, and I have to study for that, but now I can't, because of smoking. So I'm so nervous about that now.
I found this site today, it seems so homey, I read some threads, and here are so nice people, who are helping with the others. It's such a good thing. I think I will need help from you too. :)
Sorry for my English, here I can practice it. :D
I speak Hungarian...
What's your superpower? :D 
9 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone! ;)

Hi Working On It! :)
Thank you for your kind words and your encouragement, it means a lot for me!
Yes, I'd like to quit "cold turkey", so I'll have to be well prepared for the first few days, it'll be tough, but I was strong enough for this last time, it was 2 years ago, I don't know why I waited 2 years to start it again.
Congrats for you, you're amazing!
I speak Hungarian...
What's your superpower? :D 
9 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone! ;)

Hi Ashley and Penitent! :)
Thank you for these words, it means so much for me every day!
These are such good advice so I note them. It seems so "easy" to quit one day at a time, I think this helps me a lot.
Last time I didn't have a great aim for quitting, but now I think I have. Of course freedom is the most important thing for me now, and my future aims. I would like to be a winemaker, I have a Chemist BSc degree and I want to study more, and get higher education about wine making. Of course I will need my smelling and tasting at the maximum level for this. :D
Not wealth, because every smoker know, that we always have money for smoking...such a silly thing, isn't it? :D But of course wealth is an important benefit, but not the most important for me. And other benefits, such as more energy, cleaner and healthier environment are the icing on the cake. :)
So Ashley you have a hungarian background, just wow! I always wonder, that this country is so little, but I find Hungarian people almost everywhere. :) It's a funny thing for me.
I'm preparing for my quit with little steps, like I smoke my first cigarette later in the morning, I smoke a little bit less, than yesterday. I'm planning what will I do the days after quitting, to make myself busy. But of course I'll relax. And read the threads here.
I speak Hungarian...
What's your superpower? :D 
9 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Let the journey begin!

"Every journey begins with the first step."
So true. So this journey begin today for me. The time here is 16:15 PM.
It's not easy, I know. I fear of the next days, beacuse I have to study for next week a lot, and I fear that I won't concentrate for that. So can you give me advice for "hell week"? Can you suggest some threads for me, which helped for you also?
Have a nice day everyone!
I speak Hungarian...
What's your superpower?