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Not long but feels good

12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh crap.  Need to start another thread elsewhere.
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks to all for the comments.  Was a disaster three nights ago.  Better the next night, and last night dined out with an open bar and did have some, but kept fruit juice and diet pop at the table so didn't do too badly, certainly not tipsy.  Really need to stop again though.  Vacation almost over.  Will really try to abstain for the remaining few days.  Don't want to bring this home.  I actually really hate feeling out of control when drinking and even more hate the next day hangover.  I think I need to focus on how much I hate those feelings to stop again.  I also need to check in here at least once a day to keep the right thoughts top of mind.  On the plus side, I don't feel depressed, just a little sad at times over various things.  Depression and self-medication with alcohol, as unhelpful as that is, was always a major problem.  Today is a new day.  I am determined to be able to record zeros on the tracker for today.  Absolutely no reason not to be able to.  Now that I have put the pressure on myself for today, I also need to think about that I don't want to have to feel embarrassed and ashamed tomorrow if I can't.
12 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rusty,
thank you so much for your honesty and for sharing it with us. I know from my patterns that if I slippped, I probably would be too ashamed to reach out again.It's so very easy to pick up isn't it? Especially when we know there have been times when our drinking has been controllable.Problem is, at least for me...I don't know how badly a binge will get for me.I am not or dont know if I'll ever be at that point where I can have one drink and say ok, thats enough.
It takes great strength and bravery for you to keep coming back and posting.And your post has helped me greatly.
You will get right back on t rack again.I'm so sorry that youre feeling so terribly.
Take good care, keep posting, and stay as strong as you can. You are worth it!
12 years ago 0 20 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rusty.
Thanks for your honesty and courage in posting about your struggles.  I have been experiencing some of my own but have been avoiding coming clean here because of the disappointment I was feeling.  Don't look at it as starting over.  You are already on the don't have to retrace steps...just keep moving forward towards better, healthier choices for your life.  (This is me, talking to you and me.)
12 years ago 0 171 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rusty,
Congratulations for coming back here and reaching out for support.  You can do this.  It is so hard but it is absolutely possible.  Take it one day at a time going forward, but when you look back focus on the good days - how many days you abstained rather than how many you slipped.  I am so impressed that you didn't head right back out to repalce the bottle that broke.  Dropping it would have been enough to send me into all kinds of self criticism and led me right back to the store.
You are strong and you know what you want.  We are here for you.
12 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rusty,
I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling good.  However, you are back here posting and that is a good thing.  In terms of getting back your determination, how did you feel last time you were successfully abstained? What motivated you then? What is getting in the way of the motivation now?
Ashley, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Been struggling.  Back to old habits.  On a great vacation but 8 - 9 drinks a night for about six days, except last night bought a bottle and then dropped it when the bag broke before I had any.  Didn't go back out.  Maybe sometimes good things do just happen.  lol.  Still working on getting back my determination.  Not feeling so good any more.
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rusty,
Sorry to hear about your recent struggles.  Take it as a learning experience.  As you mentioned, you know the importance of having a Plan A AND Plan B.. what are these for you?
Don't be hard on yourself.  It takes a lot of courage to admit a screw-up but you are back and we are here for you!

Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well I'd really like to be able to say I made it, but I can't.  I screwed up.  8-9 drinks later.  At best I can say that I talked myself out of buying a 16 drink bottle for today.  4 1/2 months no drinks but now have to start all over again.  Stress/anxiety drinking again for no good reason.  Big anxiety in my head for tomorrow that I could not cope with, although I know it is all in my head and not reality.  I thought I had it covered, but I did not.  Needed Plan A AND Plan B to avoid booze but only had Plan A,  No real excuses.  Maybe I should not go on vacation.
Big deal is whether I can get back to reasonability for tomorrow and after.  I need to think of my grandson, adult children, other people I love, etc.  I can't go back.  For those several people on these boards who struggle way, way more than I do, I am one of your biggest cheerleaders, but right now I need to re-focus if I can.  I know I am in trouble.
12 years ago 0 171 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Hepsie,
You have reminded me what a great tool writing can be.  I am afraid to write anything on paper at home for fear that someone will find it and read it - but I will start using the journal on this site more.

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