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11 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Charmain,

It's nice to meet you. I think there are more of us out there than even we realize. People often downplay their drinking or just out right lie. I know I do, if I am hung over at work I def say I had 3 glasses of wine and have a light headache, acceptable in my office as many work events involve drinking with clients.  What I don't say is the truth, that I got home from the work event where yes I had three glasses, but then proceeded to drink a whole bottle of merlot before bed watching youtube videos and my headache is raging and the computer screen is hurting my eyes but I PROMISE I will get all my work done, really I swear. That of course, is not so acceptable. I would like to just cut down and drink moderately, you know, no more than four in a sitting, no more than twice a week. I really only drink twice a week now, sometimes once a week, (cut down a lot this year) but way more than four. And I always drink more than I planned to. I've been trying to just drink less which works at parties but not when I am alone, I think the social censure stops me from getting really wasted, but if no one is around well...who cares right, until I show up at my neighbours house at 8:30pm freaking out cuz I lost my cell phone crazy hammered and then have to apologize for being a drunk mess the next day (yes that has happened, my neighbours are really nice by the way and never made me feel bad about that). Sigh, so my long-winded answer is I'd like to just learn to drink moderately but I might be better off giving it up. 
11 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Jacq,

To start a discussion click on one of the forum headings like, "Introduce Yourself" and then on the top left hand corner you should see a hyperlink called "Start Discussion." If you run into any problems feel free to contact us through the feedback section.

As you can already see we have many members here who can relate and will help you get to where you want to go. To get started take a look at the program under "Toolbox". The more information you can gain the better prepared you will be. I also encourage you to search thr forums by keyword to find discussions that pertain to you. Continue to post and we will support you every step of the way.
What is your first goal with alcohol? Are you planning to abstain or cut back? We have members here who believe abstinance is the only way for them and others who think moderation is the right course of action. The choice is up to you.

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 156 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jacq,
Welcome!! You sound just like me. If I have one glass, I want a million more!! Are you looking to cut down or complete abstinence??

11 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That happens to me too Dave. I do so well and don't drink for two weeks or something then I decide to stop by the bar for one pint on my way home. next thing you know I have had five or six which at my size gets me wasted, and maybe a few jager shots thrown in. 

I found for awhile that if I didn't drink I would end up bingeing so I decided to let myself have one or two every couple of days to stop the bingeing and it worked for a bit but then it escalated and I would up drinking even more. So that tactic is out. Drinking is my demon because I love being drunk, I drink when I am lonely, happy, unhappy, to relax, to get excited etc....everything seems to need a drink. I have cut down a lot over the last year when I finally admitted its a problem. But i can't seem to stop. I hate it. I know how you feel, it's so hard.  
11 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I am new to this site and I wanted to introduce myself and get some support but I don't know how to make a post so I am replying to this one. 

I am new to online forums, I read them to feel less alone but this is the first time I have posted.

I I have known for a long time that I have a drinking problem. Like Mike I don't drink heavily with friends as many don't drink much and I actually avoid drinking with heavy drinkers because it has gotten me into trouble. But I still drink. I drink alone, not everyday but I do get pretty drunk by myself frequently. I usually have wine on Fridays, it's my  end of the week treat. But I wa headed to a party on the Saturday and did not want to drink two days in a row. By 11 pm I was trying to sleep and the cravings were really intense. I made it through the night though, went to the party, drank moderately and felt good the next day about my control. I decided to have a glass of wine last night and watch game of thrones, well one glass turned into the whole bottle and then I wound up atthe corner bar and bought an off sale bottle of wine to take home (since the liquor store closes early on Sundays) and piad 50 dollars for a cheap bottle of wine and drank that whole bottle too. Wounded up passing out before 10pm and am now slogging through my work day hung over. When I tell people I think  I am an alcoholic ppl try to convince me I'm not. They say, well you don't drink everyday and you don'y always get drunk when you drink but I can guarantee if I open a bottle of wine by myself I will drink it all and sometimes go get more. I am a problem drinker and it  scares me because I can't seem to stop
11 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So I filled out my diary for April and not surprisingly I had a large spike starting last Wednesday and ending Sunday. I realized those spikes are HARD on your body, both mental and physical, and hard to bounce back from. I still don't feel right but I know it will get better.
11 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Dave848, 

Welcome to the Alcohol Help Center and congratulations on taking the first steps to getting the help you need. 

Start working through program, a big component of it is learning about yourself so you can better understand your addiction. 

Some people find that taking a break from drinking for a while really helps them get control of their alcohol use.

Start reading through the forums. I think you'll find there are many people out there you can relate to. The forum is also full of advice and will offer you the wisdom of many diverse experiences in relation to alcohol addiction. 

Check back soon and let us know how you're doing. We're always here to answer any questions you may have or to provide you with some feedback. 

Samantha, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone,

I'm new here. My plan is to stop drinking. I had just stopped for 4 months but over the last week I've been binge drinking. I felt so much better when I had stopped and accomplished a lot. I had to go on a business trip and that triggered the start up. Now I need to start over. It's pretty grim how negative the impact is on my outlook. Last week I felt like a completely different person. Positive, exercising, etc. Today depressing and I really don't care about anything. 

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