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11 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Tiax!

I took a lot of courage to come to the realization you have and to post it here so congratulations. You are well on your way to taking control of this. 

I already offered quit a few starting tips to Jacq so I don't have too much to add. So instead I will ask some questions that might help you along the process:
-What is your goal?
-How will you know when you reach that goal?
-How will you reward yourself?
-Who will you turn to when you need support?
-What are some strategies you can use to distract yourself when you get cravings?
-If you had a close friend in the spot you are in now what advice would you give them?
That's all for now. Looking forward to reading more from you.

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 18 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well my heart is beating out of my chest right now.  I am new to this site and it has taken me a long time to finally admit i am a alcoholic :( .. Still a hard word to say but i know its the only way to move forward.  I am lucky because my family and friends are 110% behind me, but yet I feel alone.  I am so grateful to have come across this site and intend to use it to its full extent. Jacq i relate so much to you, i am the worst when i am alone.  My go to is whisky and it truly finally scared me when i realized just how i could polish off a smaller bottle in one afternoon/evening and i NEVER can stop at just 1 or 2 no matter how much i try to convince myself.  It has started to affect my marriage and friendships so i know i MUST make a change and stop making excuses for myself.  Well i seem to be rattleing on, im learning how to manover around this site so any help/suggestions are truly appreciated. I have not had a drink since monday, i am craving it ALOT but i just keep reading this site and its helping.
11 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congrats on your sobriety Dave, it is scary when you have been doing so well. Alcohol is really a tricky devil mentally. I think working out and diet will really help too Billy!

I suffer insomnia (night-time anxiety related, maybe that's a factori in my drinking) so I know the sun and just being ok with he bad nights o the anxiety makes it easier. So you have a bad night sleeping. That's ok, it's only a few nights. It's hard to get into that mentality when suffering, it took me some practice but it really helps me 
11 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
oops I also meant havent had a drink since Sunday, today is Tuesday. 
11 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
PS congrats on day 4!
11 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hang in there BillyW. It will get better. Quitting is really hard. I quit at the end of Dec. 12 and made it through to the middle of April. I had to go away on a business trip and had some beers and it seems to be creeping back into my life. I felt the best I've felt in years during my time away from it so I can tell you your sleeping will come back. 

If you can you might want to consider a workout program, something like the Beach Body ones on t.v. They are usually 12 weeks and provide a lot of motivation because you really have to watch your diet. There are lot's of good ones to pick from as well. 

I'm getting back on the wagon as well. I'm going to start the workouts again today. Once I get started I'm usually pretty good at staying away from the alcohol. 

One thing I can promise is you'll feel a lot better mentally and physically and you'll be a much happier person. It's really amazing the difference you'll find it makes in your life. 
11 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Billy,

I haven't had a drink since Tuesday, but that's not going to be the bad day. It's Friday that  I am anxious about. Last fri I didn;t have a drink and I was very anxious and uncomfortable when trying to go to bed, I was craving my Friday bottle of wine. Is it anxiety that is coursing through you from teh withdrawal. Maybe anxiety excercies will help. When I'm freaking out I just acknowlege that I am uncomfortable and anxious instead of fighting it. It makes it easier to deal with for me when I stop fighting it and just surrender to the uncomfortable sensations because its ok and it will pass. Excercise, sunlight and fruits and vegetables should help too. Take a walk in the sun and go home and have a smoothie. :)
11 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've now made it 4 days into quitting. I need to figure out a way to fall asleep. Can't sleep. Even 10mgs of Melatonin has not helped. Sure hope this gets easier.
11 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I too am new to the site. Made my decision to quit drinking 3 days ago. Wow....after years of drinking I can see this is going to be tough and rough. But it's a fight I want to win.
It's funny. I don't have the urge to drink during the day. My habit has always been to hit the beers at home after work. Thought I was being a good guy for drinking mostly at home. Sure was fooling myself for years! It's turned into a terrible habit that I find I haven't been able to walk away from.
I have tried to quit before. Many times. But it's never lasted. I hope this site will help me make quitting a permanent thing. I do desperately want to quit the stuff and be free from it's big tug on my life.
11 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Ashley,

I had started the tool box and I was as honest as I could be and was suprised at how much I really drink once the numbes were crunched. I'd like to learn to drink moderately but since when I get a few in me it's difficult to turn that little voice in my head off that says, oh one more what could it hurt. I might be better off abstaining, I work in a social, smooze and booze your clients career and I got to events once or twice a month, but I have seen colleagues not drink at all and it hasn't hurt them. Not that we get really drunk at work events with our clients, but it is normal to drink a few glasses with them  

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