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HI!! I am new here and I want to quit smoking more than anything!

13 years ago 0 221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi cowgirlndlace,
As our wonderful members have said, its important that you don't focus on the setback and keep going forward. Some people quit cold turkey, and others ween themselves off. This is your path , and you will form one uniquely for yourself.
When ever you do feel like you want to smoke, come to the forums and share your thoughts and feelings. We will be here to support and everystep of the way.
What did you tell yourself before you had the cigarette? What can you say differently next time?
Helena, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 816 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Cyndi  Don't feel bad about a small setback. They say the average person trys to quit 6 or more times until they finally stop. Not smoking will probably be the best thing you've ever done for yourself and probably the hardest. I started smoking a pack a day at 11 years old and quit cold turkey after smoking 50+ cigarettes a day for 43 years. This is a learning adventure. We're learning how to live again one day , one hour , one minute and if need be seconds at a time. Have you stopped smoking before for any length of time ? If even for a day or a week , how did you do it ? You don't have to answer but build on your success of the past and learn from the mistakes. If you drink ice water instead of having a smoke it helps with the craves. Drown the craves with ice cold water whenever you get a strong urge. Every time we smoke we release the addiction all over again. I suggest getting a copy of Alan Carr's  The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. I really don't know if I could have stopped without that book. It is suggested to keep smoking until the book is finished. There is a lot of wisdom in those pages and there is a lot of wisdom in the old posts here. Almost any problem that you could possibly have someone else has had and posted about it. Break the chains that bind you and recover with us. Don't forget that you're worth it. breather
13 years ago 0 312 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Cyndi for the info.
You are not totally have us and we will be there when you need us...just shout out..
Living alone really is better for you than say...someone trying to quit and living with a you can do this, Nothing worth while is ever easy but doable..
I quit Oct 1st and my son (who is living with me at the time...long story!!) was going to quit with me, in fact, if I remember correctly this was HIS idea to quit. But he hasn't quite made it, he is trying cold turkey, where I am using the Wellbutrin. I won't let him smoke anywhere around me, he has to go outside in his truck and not throw any butts on the ground..and it is still hard for me. But I will make and You will make it.
Get rid of any cigarettes you have in your are only torturing yourself by keeping them there.
Keep in Touch
13 years ago 0 54 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am totally alone in the picture with me are 2 of my grand children.  I am very close to my family, although we are very close and that is a great blessing....familes can also be very critical when you fail at things.  My daddy has smoked all his life and is healhy in his 70's.  I have watced my momma, a non smoker, get onto my dad for smoking and he does for a while, just to make her happy, but its obvious he enjoys smoking.  So, he never stays quit.  I have quit one time, with the help of chantix and started back due to a family crisis......couldnt cope without my best friend...I have told my mom that I was planning on doing this and her remark to me was...I will believe it when I see it..........
I have 2 grown children....both of which I am very close to.  My son lives away in another state and my daughter and 4 grandbabies live nearby....neither of which smoke.  However, my daughters life is very hectic and she is encouraging but is more in need of my help than to help me out.  I understand, having 4 young children, full time job and being involved in the childrens outside interests such as girl scout leader and such.....its hard to be there for me. 
I live alone with my 2 dogs, a boarder collie-Lacey Jo and a blue healer-Casey Lei......both females and a cat named Boots.....I am a very laid back and happy person.........just in need of help and support during this journey.......thats why I am here!!
13 years ago 0 312 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cyndi, Don't let your setback get you down..look forward not back.
I am going to ask you, if you have cigs around, please hold them under water...then throw them in the Trash..
You have also mentioned a couple of times that you are in this alone. Does that mean you do not have any family or friends supporting you on this? By the avatar you posted it appears you have kids, are they backing you on this?
Keep posting...there will be others here helping you out.
Freedom Meter

Smoke-Free Days: 50
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,008
Amount Saved: $185.00
Life Gained:
Days: 7 Hrs: 0 Mins: 40 Seconds: 18
13 years ago 0 54 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well.........this is the Day!!  I had a  rough start, as the first morning smoke, I struggled and struggled, distracted and chewed mints, gum and sucked on straws and I had a minor setback......I smoked.   Grrrrrr I am so disgusted with myself....But I have not smoked since and I had a hard time getting to blog on this site when I was going through the delima.  I just now have been able to blog on here.  I am disappointed, and my coping skills didnt work that one time but I know I am not hopeless.  I havent smoked now since very early this morning.  I think I will be ok........won't I??   I know I am not giving up the fight...........
13 years ago 0 618 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Cyndi,
"I want to quit smoking more than anything."
That phrase above is the true key to quitting!  It does not mean it is easy, or without pain, but it does mean you will do anything rather than smoke! 
Whatever it takes - just don't smoke!
If you can do that, you will have quit!  SSC has supported so many people in their quits, and I suggest you let us help you.....................
Follow the programme, answer the questions, prepare for the cravings etc.  Freedomby30 is right, you need to plan.
Stay close to the site and read as much as you can, post often, and don't let the hard times deter you from your goal of  'Freedom'.
Lolly.         (I smoked for 40 years and quit here at SSC.)
13 years ago 0 331 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congrats on your decision to quit!  Sounds like you are determined and that is always something to be grateful for.  There are many wonderful people here to help you and reading all of the old posts is great.  There is so much valuable information and support here that will be beneficial to your journey.  Good to hear you have a plan in of the best quotes I ever heard was "failing to plan is planning to fail".  There are tools on here that help you plan for your quit and using your own made up tools helps too.  Be as prepared as you can makes things earier.  Not that there won't be bumps along the way but the better prepared you can definitely help!  I am a huge believer in Allan Carr's Easy way to quit was my lifesaver!  Good luck and post as often as you like......awesome people on here!  Congrats again!
13 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Glad to have you join the group!  Congrats on deciding to quit.  You are not alone here...this group is filled with the most inspiring and caring people around.
13 years ago 0 3307 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cyndi, welcome!!  You will not have to do this alone; we are here to help.  Work the program, have a plan and stick with us.  I would suggest have lots of ICE water on hand, and exercise plan such as walking, learn to take deep breaths, sugar free candy and a pillow you can beat up on LOL.  It will be on minute, one hour, one day at a time, but you can do it!!
Keep the Quit

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