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Did you Know?

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did you know,

That panic disorders can make existing conditions seem worse than they are to the point that meters are unreliable. BP monitors can be way high on initial check. Depending on the person you may have to check up to five times while you do the relaxation exercises that you use to calm down. It still may not be accurate. Even how you feel may not be accurate.

Panic may increase the amount of sugar in your blood temporary in preparation for flight. Your liver stores glycogens and can dump them into your blood.

Sore muscles may just be lactic acid that panic is making it hard to remove.

And don't forget Hypochondria. It is an actual curable disorder but very real to the person who has it.

You can with practice learn to tell the difference. Do not though ever disregard symptoms that may be real. Better to go to ER and be safe than sorry. 

Coffee break, I'm going to have to find something else to do soon. It is getting too hot to plant potatoes. No worry there, there is lots to do.


PS. You can see why it is very important to have relaxation and coping skills as part of your CBT techniques.
10 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley,

I think physical problems that simulate panic should be ruled out as well.  Thyroid problems cause that anxiety and panic feeling, also anemia, which I have, makes me feel really off.  I also discovered that intense physical pain, that my body can't handle, causes racing heart, pulse and elevated blood pressure.  Once, I treated the back pain and broke the pain cycle, my heart, pulse and blood pressure went back to normal.  I had chronic back pain in Florida and thought it was anxiety, or that it was because my daughter left to go back to MD to work, or that FL was too hot, or my room was too small and claustrophobic, or I couldn't adapt or adjust to my new surroundings.  In hindsight, I had debilitating back pain and was not given the proper medication to break the pain cycle, so I was in a chronic state of anxiety like symptoms, because of the physical symptoms and intensity of pain.  I agree with your post 100%.  I also think getting an initial check up, to rule out other physical reasons, is important too.  Regardless, of whether it's physical or mental,  CBT on this site helps you manage anxiety.

10 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Due to the physical symptoms that panic disorders have, some people can easily make the mistake of believing it to be a physical problem. There are a variety of physical ailments that can cause the same range of side effects and symptoms that panic disorders do. It is believed that a number of untrained observers may mistake a panic attack as epilepsy, or something similar. In some cases, the physical effects have been mistaken as heart attacks or strokes. A lack of knowledge can also lead some observers to mistake the side effects of panic disorders to be a case of social anxiety or performance anxiety.

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