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TMI and Euphemisms: Being Yourself "Tactfullly"

12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

If the subject comes up in a conversation and it usually does since there is such a large percentage of it, everyone knows some one who fits the category then what I do is this. If they are negative towards it, ridiculing and not believing then I don't try to prove it to them. If they are open I will talk about it. If they mention they think they have excessive anxiety or panic I will mention that I have been through it and there is help.

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think this area is now grouped with politics and religion, so some discretion needs to be used, although engagement is necessary.
I wonder how others feel, since I feel like  I'm in a "closet" and that's not good.  It's worse for agoraphobia, though.
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wonder if anyone finds themselves too "open" about their conditions, which are medical diagnoses, and end up turning people off.  Some people might call this "TMI" but without the humour, when "too much information" is shared, and both people end up feeling uncomfortable.
My Personal Example
I know one man who was tactful about taking an early work departure, claiming he was having an operation like mine, when in fact he had taken a leave of absence due to stress.   I just took him at his word, but later figured out it was just a ploy to make both of us feel comfortable.
My Coping Skill
What I do to explain, is for GAD, say "i don't do well in groups".  That can can be true about the average group of people, and in fact probably is true.
For my obsessiveness, I just say, "sometimes I get hung up on details" or "maybe I'm too focused on one thing".
How do others cope with social situations instead of give their medical diagnosis, and getting stigmatized?

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