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Life... and Death

18 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This topic bugs be often and then it goes away. I am very in tune with life and then I sometimes start to question what death really is. I'll be having a great time and feeling great and then I'll remember that I am going to die someday. it can either cripple or inspire me to do more. My fiance often has trouble with it and then it goes away. The main thing I have figured out is that my panic can often be caused by fears of dying. I was afraid to go to sleep as a child because I thought I'd die in my sleep. Now I find the best way to deal with this is keep busy and not think about the topic. But there are times during high anxiety moments that make it hard to stop thinking about it, especially if it gets in the way of daily happenings. I have also found that no meds make it go away completely. So my advice on this topic is just to live and have as good a time that you can. Time to stop thinking. :-)
18 years ago 0 189 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
extra smile face's a mistake! Sorry! Computer running slowly tonight!
18 years ago 0 189 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well as you know I can't help you with the how normal people cope with the inevitable reality of death but one thought that I keep trying to wrap my head around is, without death there is no life. Which is what makes life precious is that IT IS LIMITED. Because it is limited is so much more important that we enjoy it! Before my anxiety set in I volunteered in a geriatric ward. And trust me, you dont necessarily want to live until youre 90. As my husband always says, There are worse things than dying. The only secret to living I can come up with is start living before it's over! :) :) :)
18 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
When i was first diagnosed it was because i thought i was having a heart attack and going to die so fear of dying was a big fear for me then i worked through those fears by having a plan like what was to happen to the kids and stuff if i did suddenly die and just having that in place helped alot but then i had a really bad panic and the fear is back with a passion so im trying to work my way through it again but its so hard i dont want to die and leave my young family i try to tell myself enjoy everyday you have so the kids remember their mother as being happy and fun and helpful thats the memories i want to leave them with not the fact that i couldnt ever leave the house and couldnt take them to sports and things like that.Hope that helps somewhat. Lulu..
18 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i am afraid of death. but i believe i will go to heaven when i die but i scares me to even think that i could die and leave my daughter and family.i try not to think about death. when i panic death does pop up in my mind though. gina
18 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I spend a lot of time exploring the origins of my panic and anxiety. Some of them I understand (my mother was a big source of anxiety for me) but some are not so clear. One of the big ones for me is fear and anxiety about death. I realized that around the time my panic and anxiety started to appear, an interesting series of events happened. I was pregnant with my son, and happy and healthy and quite content. Suddenly, a very dear friend of mine colapsed at work and had a grand malle seizure. They discovered he had a brain tumor. They gave him 6 months to live. He was not many years older than me. He had a young son. He was vital and vibrant and - I think what really hit me - there was absolutely no way he could have prepared for or predicted that fateful moment when WHAM! you are on the floor in a room full of colleagues trying to make sure you don't choke on your tongue, yelling for someone to call 911, watching you leave in an ambulance. Then listening to the doctor basically tell you, that's it, you are officially dying. My husband was with him when this happened. Because some of the people in the meeting had flown in for the day, they insisted the meeting continue. My husband had to sit and continue doing a presentation after watching his friend of 12 years collapse in a seizure. I was disgusted by this. It was a complete and utter disregard for LIFE. Life is not about a stupid meeting. Whatever it is you are discussing in your stupid meeting, it does not hold a candle to the relevance of this young man's LIFE. I think not only the event itself, but the total disregard shown for the significance of this event really shook me up. It really made me start thinking about the weight of life - the immense almost infinite importance of it - and the terrifying swiftness with which it can all simply ... disappear. Two weeks later, I gave birth to my beautiful heaven-sent child. I think perhaps the juxtaposition of these two opposites - life and death, did something to me. Not immediately, but gradually since that time. I don't think it caused my panic and anxiety, but I think it may have been a whopping trigger. I have spent many hours contemplating life... death. I think I am coming to undertand that they are, in fact, not opposites. They are like yi

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