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16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Miki!
Congratulations on your sucessful day! I agree with the others that that was a major success and that you should pat yourself on the back.
16 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Everyone, Thanks all for the reply.
I was pretty doubtful before when the program said to just stick with it and not run away. But now that I'm doing that I do actually see that it is worth it. I honestly am still afraid to challenge the same day again, I can't say I will be willing to with excitement, but I do see the success that I've accomplished. I do agree that the more practices of these nasty anxiety (oops, I'm making it an enemy again!) will get me used to them and learn them and make them un nasty. Practice makes perfect, or my sister says, practice makes permanent. 

16 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Michael,   Thanks for letting us know that you are using and succeeding with the program!  This is great and we can't wait to hear more about your cottage, what a project

Josie, Health Educator
16 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Miki,   Good for you for sharing and congrats on a terrific day!  You faced this head on and came out with a success  story  
Josie, Health Educator
16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Michael , its lovely to hear from you again . Dont apologize for the long posts because i find them interesting , full of facts and above all very helpful . Wow a log cabin , that sounds wonderful just like the movies . Good luck next tome with it .
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sounds like it all turned out for the better.  The easiest thing to do would
have been get your husband and get home to your safe place.  As we all
know that would have been a temporary feeling.  As it turned out you really
faced it and subsequently you were successful.  From working through this
program I have come to realize that if I do the opposite of what I normally
would have done in anxious situations it turns out for the better.  To keep doing
what I normally would have done (run away) tends to exascerbate the problem.
On saturday past I was on my way up north to clear some land for which I am going
to build a cabin...This place is quite remote and as I left my family and began the
drive I could feel the negative thoughts poking through.  "What if I get attacked by a
bear?, What if I get into a car accident?", What if?????. Within a half an hour I
was really anxious and thought maybe I should turn around.  By employing some of
the techniques outlined in session 4, (exposure) I was able to logically put things into
perspective and continued on my journey....
Dazed mommy coined it eloquently when she said, "keep doing what your doing and the
good days will pile up"...It is so true and as the good days become the norm than the
norm becomes the good days with anxious days becoming more of the 'blip' in the system.
So I think your day was very successful.  It sounds like you didn't fight it too hard but rather
rolled with it.  I think we (myself, formerly) spent too much time making anxiety the enemy
and by giving it that much credence we give it power over us.  Just accepting it and not changing your
life gave you a great success....You should be so proud of yourself.  Again it proves that other peoples
successes beocme the mirror for my own!  So thank you!
By the way never made it up to my land...rain washed out the road!  Perhaps mother natures anxiety takes
 precedence over my own.
Highway 401 in Toronto on a hot July day and traffic stops dead, now there is an anxous situation.  So heat
and congestion of any sort causes a form of claustraphobia!
Good luck and sorry for my much too long response!
16 years ago 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
like my therapist tells me...think of the successes you have...even the small ones...because really they are HUGE!!!!! You hung in there and did great! I bet the next time they invite you over your anxiety will be less and you will be enjoying yourself sooner...don't look at the did it!!!

16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sounds like you "hung in there" and were successful.. Don't look at what part of the day you didn't enjoy but on only the good... That's the stuff good memories are made of.  I find letting go is the best thing (but the hardest)...and for you it worked too... Once you actually put yourself out there and  just "let loose" time passed, you had a good time.. and the anxiety was no where to be found... I
If you keep doing what you're doing, the good days will just keep piling up...
We are our own worst enemies.. over analyzing everything.. For whatever reason we think we are the "topic" on everyone elses minds.. Hardly is that the case.. LOL... so pat yourself on the back and look forward to many more wonderful summer evenings.. enjoying yourself.  You deserve it as you've worked very hard on getting to this point..
As for the heat.. It makes me "uncomfortable" in small spaces so I'm going to challenge myself by taking HOT YOGA... yikes.... but I think the benefits will far out weigh the battle it will take to get through the whole class.  
Take care Miki!! 
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well done miki, are you on the west coast of the US, I see its very hot there, I find I panic when it gets super
humid and hot, I feel I cant breathe, so I can relate, but you did amazing, sticking thru a day like that..congrats:)
16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Miki what a day !!!  I cant believe how well you did . You kind of sound sad about it but i think you did so well . Amazinly well infact , please
Proud of yourself because i am of you .
Well done xx

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