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Positive thinking, Weight Loss and the Corona virus

4 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Has anyone else has trouble with positive thinking these days, I tend to over eat when stressed, and this last week the virus has come to my state so we can't go out to get food, I've been in a situation where I didn't have a choice of what kind of food was available (either having to wait to get paid to eat, not being able to buy healthy stuff because I had to eat what my parents brought and they brought cheap stuff) so the idea of food shortages is giving me tons of anxiety.

I'm not really sure how to meet my goals and think positive when there are things I can't control

"It takes time and work to succeed in changing the things we tell ourselves. But it happens one thought at a time. Each time you battle a negative thought, that thought and all the others that come with it lose strength. Ultimately, with time and practice, you can re-train your brain to be on your side and remind you of your success stories. Your mind can predict a bright future, instead of working against you and focusing on negative thoughts"

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