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Rebuilding Self-esteem

10 years ago 0 11212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Has an illness, addiction or other left your self-esteem in the gutter?
Here are some more tips:
Being kind to yourself
Being kind to yourself is essential in rebuilding your self-esteem. This includes:
•    Making sure you eat well, sleep enough and get active.
•    Engaging in pleasurable activities
•    Patting yourself on the back for ALL accomplishments, big or small!
•    Remind yourself how great you really are! You have lots of strengths! And the weaknesses you’re not so crazy about, you can work on and grow into an even better version of yourself!
•    Tell yourself it’s OKAY if you don’t achieve everything you had set out to do, big or small. Plans life and other need constant revision and remember you may have been put on a different path you can’t see yet.
What does this all have to do with self-esteem you might ask? Everything! If you don’t believe you deserve the basics and learn to start loving yourself, it makes it harder for others to do the same.

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