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2 Minutes to Lift Your Mood

11 years ago 0 880 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for the list...I particularly like the clearing of clutter and the zoning out...I am particularly good at the latter...It's so important for anyone dealing with an addiction to understand that anything that helps release one's mind from the cycle is beneficial.  This smoking thing has to be dealt with in an active manner, to do otherwise is to invite failure...
I deal with bouts of depression from time to time...In fact I have been down the rabbit hole so many times I have a personal relationship with Alice.  But each time,  I pull myself back out by using things such as this list, I feel I have made myself stronger for the doing.  And it's the same with any addiction, it takes practice to find the things that work and then it takes pure will and discipline to apply those things on a regular basis...
stay well
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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

11 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
In a neat article from they discuss a number of quick ways to get a mood boost. Items that were on the list:
1. Flip through photos of loved ones or a past vacation
2. Eat nuts
3. Inhale a calming sent
4. Get some sunshine
5. Walk around the block
6. Clear away clutter
7.  Think fast
8. Watch a funny youtube video
9. Spend money on experiences (dinner, travel) and not material items
10. Smile
11. Zone out - clear your mind
12.  Chat with a neighbour
13.  Cook
14. Do a good deed
What do you think of this list? What would you add? What are some of your favourites?
To read the entire article:

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