I want to challenge those negative thoughts for you if I could.
When someone kept telling me my positive qualities, I refused to believe them. I was drowning and pushed the life saver away even though people kept throwing it on me. I refused their support.
But for a few hours last week, I actually believed that I could get through this and actually believed in myself and so will you.
You are a great mom, don't believe those thoughts or blame those actions that you made. Everyone makes mistakes; you are not a bad mom. If you were so bad, why would you blame yourself so harshly? Why would you care so much? If you were so terrible, you would not care at all.
This is just your turn to have the down period. I view it that way. Its your turn and then, it will go to someone else. There are times when I would be making no mistakes and then boom there I go making all the mistakes, minor or major all coming at me at once.
You are a great person, you care so much especially when you post your answers so thoughtfully to us. There are so many times that you came to our rescue and I thank you so much.
You are a kind, generous and caring lady who goes out of her way to help others and you do it quickly and in a timely manner. I refuse to let you minimize your positive qualities. You are very valuable to us and make an important contribution to the world. Don't you dare put yourself down any longer!!!!!
(((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) :)