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12 years ago 0 223 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am moved by your concern and very grateful to you.
Please believe me when I say that I am a long way from harming myself - I have been much further down in the past than I am now, and haven't yet really come close to it. As I said earlier on this thread, I am taking a realistic view which is that I have a chronic condition that will wax and wane. The achievable goal is to endure the painful days and appreciate the less irksome times. I've been doing that for years and can continue.And when I feel right down, this forum and the blog here are invaluable. I only tend to post when I am in a bout of the bad stuff, which has probably given the impression that I'm in a worse way than I actually am.
None of my family, whilst they know I suffer from depression, are aware of just how bad I feel sometimes, and there is no way I shall burden them with that knowledge. Close friends I have none (no drama there, that's my choice). 
I've been carrying this weight for a good while now, and I reckon my back's grown pretty strong ... 
12 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
      Pete, I admire your courageous honesty. If your situation is anything like mine once was, it's cold comfort for someone else to say, "I can relate," but I hope that it doesn't hurt if I say that I think I can. My depression became so excruciatingly painful that in early 2009, I attempted suicide.
      With the benefit of hindsight, I know I'd have been better off if I'd radically changed my life without trying to end it, which only worsened my situation. I hated having my freedom deprived, even (and at that time especially) to save my life. But I needed far more expert, compassionate, understanding, and intensive treatment than I'd been getting up until then. Frankly, in my view, for people in financial hardship, the best mental health care, of the kind it sounds to me like you'd benefit from, is very difficult to get--but my experience proves it's not impossible.
      Having read your blog and your posts over the months, I've been simultaneously moved by your eloquence and concerned by your hints at suicidal feelings. Pete, the world would be lesser without you. Few people suffering with depression can describe the experience as well as you can. It sounds like although your financial situation is better than mine, you might not have connected with medical care that you truly need. At the risk of sounding presumptuous, may I say I'm concerned? Could I ask whether you've reached out to universities, wherever you are, to see if they have a space for you in some of their research for severely depressed persons? That's how I finally found top-notch care in my part of the world, and it made my life much better.
      Is there a close friend or family member who might help you find top-quality care that could alleviate your suffering? If your current situation resembles what mine was three years ago, the answer might be "No." If not, could you email me on this system? I'm not clear whether that's possible. I'd just like to try to help you find the help it sounds like you need. I emphasize, I'm not a mental health professional. I'm just someone who's been in a place that I think isn't so different from yours. For me, it was unbearable. I don't know if I can help, but if I could, it would bring fulfillment to my life.
Sincerely yours,
Purple Blues (Adam)
12 years ago 0 223 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I reflect on the year just gone, and I've really not moved a great deal inside. Some of life's sadness, of course - my father in law died in the summer and some of life's joy - my sons continue to thrive and grow into their own people, which makes me proud. But I myself - still ruled by fear, still shrinking into a constricted corner, watching the world as an eternal spectator.
I've tried defining my beliefs and values as part of therapy but honestly I don't know if what I came up with was true or if it was what I thought they should be. I have come to the conclusion that my core belief, and the one that informs my actions (or lack of same) is that people are frightening creatures and generally more capable than me. I'm still waiting (for what - a bolt of lightning from on high?) to become a real person who can dwell comfortably in the consciousness of others. A real person with no compulsion to hide, sneak and lie.
Where to now?  I can set goals and make resolutions, but realistically I'll just continue to view my state of personality as a chronic condition which will be worse some days, better others. Endurance is the goal rather than change. Change - I mean real change, deep down in here where nobody sees but me - is a utopian pipe dream. All my efforts, and those of the people helping me, have barely chipped the rockface of the frozen mountain inside.
12 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you all so much for your encouragement and support ...  I could not have come this far without all the help I've found here on the Evolution Health sites! 
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi ~m
I echo everything Ashley said!!  Wishing you the very best in 2012!

Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Love it!
Have I told you how insightful you are lately? Some of the things you say blow me away. YES! You are ahead of the game.
Ashley, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thought provoking question Ashley.  Now.... how to organize the thoughts provoked?
I think I am coming around and entering the back door on this one... rather than wanting to go somewhere, or be something I'm not.... I am hoping the new year brings greater appreciation of where I already am, right now... and who I have already become.  Kind of like an exercise in acceptance... yet, more than that.  It's not a beaten down acceptance... "oh, god i am such a loser. this is who i am and there is nothing i can do about it."  I guess I want to quit the striving and just BE for awhile.  I want to experience and appreciate being.... in my skin, in my house, in my city, in my state, in my country, on my continent, in my world and,  in my universe... just being... me.
12 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

As the year begins to close reflect on how this year has shaped you. Spend some time with yourself reflecting on who you were, who you are and who you want to become.  Journal your life story; write about important experiences, influences, your values, beliefs, likes, dislikes and talents.

Are you living in line with your values and beliefs? Are you the person you want to be? We are all a work in progress. It is important to reflect and examine along the way to ensure our priorities are where they should be.  Try to think of it as an explorer stopping to look at a map. If you are looking at the map and do not like what you see; you have the power to change.  Your values are your compass.

Where do you want to go? Or better yet, who do you want to be?
Ashley, Health Educator

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