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Worthless Feelings Part 2

16 years ago 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Members, After Saturday’s conversation, you may be starting to feel like your feelings of worthlessness are illogical or inaccurate. If not, we encourage you to continue to challenge this way of thinking by using some of the following methods. Talk back to your internal critic – A sense of worthlessness is created by your self critical dialogue. It’s the consistent self-degrading statements that you’re making, “I’m useless”, “Everyone is better than me”, “I’m ugly”, etc. that are making you feel this way. To beat this train yourself to recognize this type of thinking and learn why these thoughts are distorted by categorizing them as cognitive distortions (over generalizing, catastrophizing). Most importantly, be nice to yourself and talk back to your negative thoughts. Counteract each of them with something positive about yourself. Cope with your insecurities – If you feel you are not good at work, make a plan on how you can improve. If you don’t like how you behave in social situations, challenge yourself to behave differently. Create small goals to improve what you dislike about yourself – you may be surprised with the outcome! Sylvie

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