Often when people experience a setback they feel like they’re back to square one. This is definitely not the case, and like all negative thoughts, thoughts like this can and should be challenged. In reality, if you completed sessions 1-9 and did the homework, it’s almost impossible to go back to square one. You’ve learned too much and accomplished too much to ever go back to where you started. Your symptoms will likely never be as bad as they once were and they’ll most likely never have the same control over your life as they once did.
When you experience a setback, understand what’s happening to you and why. Then, work your way out of the setback by using the same tools and techniques that have helped in the past.
If you experience a setback, return to this program and:
* review the sessions that seem most important
* talk to someone in the Support Group
* use the strategies that you found most helpful
* use the general problem solving skills discussed in Session 7
* consult with your family doctor or other mental health professional
Strive forward and lean on us for support!