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PMS and depression

14 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Goofy!
I totally get what you are saying. I get like that too! I have some periods in the month where my hormones just wreak havoc with me and my mood etc. I so totally understand you!
I don't have any suggestions except, on those days don't make any important decisions, don't take on any important or delicate tasks and don't believe a word that nasty little voice in your head is saying!
Anyway, sorry I cannot be more hlpful but I did want to say I get the same thing every month and I totally understand!
14 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi goofy,
I have heard of it before in fact a very good friend of mine gets it all the time and she is at her wits end trying to find a solution.  My best advice is to:
-talk to your doctor
-exercise and eat healthy especially around the time you are expecting to feel down.  Try to stay away from processed foods.  My friend says this seems to help.
-Plan something that will make you happy during those days
Member's any other suggestions?
Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think I have mentioned that I've been doing good. That, I think goes without saying that I don't have my bad days. I woke up yesterday in a funky mood.  Didn't sleep the night before, didn't want to get out of bed.  Made myself stay out of bed for three hours and then, went back to bed. I didn't take a bath, or take careof anything, including myself.  I was confused and upset.  I talked to my therapist (perfect timing with the appt.).  He said without any warning and just waking up, he thought it was physical.  I ask him what he meant by that and he said it could be hormonal or just not feeling good.  I thought geez, this did happen last month and got out my calendar after I left and confirmed.  Yep. it's that time in the womanly cycle.  I get so upset, down, tired, crying, pitiful (self-pity) for about three days along with physical things, then I am okay.  It is so frustrating.  Okay women, anyone else have these issues. 
Until I figured this out, I was going OH NO, not again.  I still feel the same way but as Diva says "this too shall pass", is making me feel a bit better. I also called the dr. to ask her to increase my hormones as they were recently changed.  I hope this gets me back on track.  I wish it were predictable too.  However, I lucked out this month.
Just looking for others who experience the same and feedback; any suggestions?

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