Hi...um.... i'm 16 and i'm not sure if i'm depressed or not. i had alot of peopple telling me they thought that i was depressed and i thought that it was just a regular part of my personality until i read up a little about depression on the website so now i'm not sure anymore. i show symptoms of both major depressive disorder and mania. i mostly show mdd when i'm alone and most of the time when i'm with my friends but i also have these bouts of hyperness for no apparent reason at all.
These are some of the symptons i have so if people can just reply back to what they think that i should do it'd be really helpful. i'm asian so it's really hard to talk to someone about this and it's even harder to talk to my doctor about this since i don't speak the language very well so please reply cause i'm getting really worried now. thankyou.
[*]Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
[*]Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, pessimism, guilt, worthlessness
[*]Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed
[*]Decreased energy and fatigue
[*]Difficulty concentrating, remembering
[*]Sleep problems including insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
[*]Appetite and/or weight loss
[*]Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches
[*]Abnormal or excessive elation
[*]Markedly increased energy
[*]Markedly decreased need for sleep
[*]Markedly racing thoughts
[*]Grandiose ideas and schemes
[*]Excessive and/or inappropriate behavior