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Using your Values as your Compass III

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks so much Ashley!

11 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Since your so keen, hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow
Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley,

When are you going to post Using your Values as your Compass IV?

11 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So glad you are enjoying this Shari
Nice value clumps

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley,

I literally squealed with delight, upon seeing the next step on Using your Values as your Compass III.

Here are mine:  I have 3 Value Clumps.

1)  Art.  My values listed under this clump are:  creativity, purpose, crafts, independence, freedom, peace.

2)  Nature:  My values listed under this clump are:  animals, health, purpose, needed, security.

3)  People:  My values listed under this clump are:  family, friends, panic center, encouragement, kindness, compassion, 
                   hope, health, purpose, needed, consideration, helping people, security.

As you can see, some values overlap and it's okay as long as I know the definition for me.

My names for my Value Clumps are:

1)  For Art it's:  Van Gogh.  Van Gogh is the first Artist that comes to mind and reminds me of being an Art Major in college.

2)  For Nature it's:  Bambi.  Bambi is the first dog I bought as an adult.  I've rescued domestic and wild animals, so Bambi 
                                           covers the wildlife as well as domestic.

3)  For People it's:  Moses.  When I think of Moses, I think of the masses of people he helped and lead.

I cannot wait to learn how to use my unique values as a compass!!!

Thanks Ashley - this is so much fun!!!

I am overly enthusiastic about this project and thread :)


11 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
At this point you should have a pretty lengthy list of values. If you have less then 20 values please continue to work on part 1 and 2 of “using your values as your compass”. If you have more then 20 values you are ready to move to the next step…
Take out your list and have a look... There are likely a lot of values that are related or similar. For example, some one might value connection, being genuine, kindness, and communication. All of these values are different yet still related. Also, some of your values may only be written down with one word but you may have a feeling that a certain value needs more explanation then just one word. This is to be expected, people may define their values differently then others or value the same thing in a different way. Having a good understanding of what YOU specifically value and how YOU define it is an important step towards living an authentically fulfilling life.
So here is the tricky and fun part. To start, pick out one value from your list that you think is a big value of yours.  Let’s say you pick Adventure as a big value for you. Now scan your list and pull out all the values that are related to Adventure. You may say travel, trying new things, meeting new people, freedom, independence, nature, etc. Once you have all these values written under adventure try to think of what else about adventure you specifically value. You may be able to come up with a few more words that would help you define what you specifically mean by adventure.  You should have at least 5 other words under one value which will give you one value clump. Continue doing this until you feel you have clumped together your main values. You should have at least 3 value clumps. Please note that some words within value clumps can overlap.  As long as they are clearly defined to you, that is what is important.
Once you have your value clumps the fun part if to come up with a name for each value clump that has special meaning for you. This naming should take some serious thought and the word should conjure up positive thoughts and memories. To use myself as an example my value clumps are treasure chest, fireplace, and crystal. I chose treasure chest as each time I travel or go on an adventure I feel I gain tons of treasured experiences. I chose fireplace because family is a big value of mine and my family often spends time together in front of the fireplace.  I chose crystal because one of my values is helping people and when I was young I thought my piece of quarts crystal had healing powers. Again, find words that have meaning to you – this could take some time.
Once finished you will have clearly defined what you authentically value. Next discussion we will talk about how to use your unique values as a compass.

please post your value clumps here!
Ashley, Health Educator

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