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Negative Core Beliefs Part III

11 years ago 0 11212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

In general, there are three types of negative core beliefs:

•    Negative Core Beliefs about Yourself
•    Negative Core Beliefs about the World and Others
•    Negative Core Beliefs about the Future

All negative core beliefs can cause problems. Theories also suggest that certain dispositions and certain life events will affect people differently. There are two categories:

•    Sociotropic: concerned about relationships, concerned of the possibility of disapproval, ones sense of self- worth is based on acceptance & love from others, wants to maintain close relationships & worries about being unlovable.
•    Autonomous: have a high need to be independent and reach goals outside the relationship, sense of self worth is based on productivity, achievement and control, overly concerned with the possibility of failure & worried about being incompetent or unable.

According to theories such as by Beck, the matching between dispositions and life events can make the difference between could impact the severity of impact the life event will have on the individual.

For instance, a sociotropic is more likely to be negatively affected by a break-up whereas an autonomous by being fired from his/her job.

Please share your thoughts.

Ashley, Health Educator

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