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15 years ago 0 123 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
About a year back, I was very agoraphobic.  Mostly stemming from my social anxiety, which you pretty much have to deal with when you leave the house, so I became sort of housebound.  Still got out to do the things I had to, usually with a friend.  Now, I do all that on my own...I gotta be honest, I still have the anxiety, but after practicing relaxation techniques and such, it's so much easier now to pull out that bag of tricks while I'm in the face of the demon.
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
On Thursday we talked about panic disorder, its characteristics and physical symptoms. People experiencing panic disorder may also develop agoraphobia, which arises form the worry that further panic attacks might occur. Agoraphobia causes a person to restrict their normal activities in an extreme way – they tend to avoid public places, such as shopping malls, public transit or restaurants for fear that another panic attack my occur. In some cases, home may feel like the only safe place to be therefore reducing ability to function in the outside world.

What have your experiences been with agoraphobia? Do you have any questions that we can help you with?

Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator

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