I can now measure my IQ(irritability quotient) by laughting at myself, counting the petty things that bother me.
Today it annoyed me as I "prepared" a response to someone's voicemail. Apparently there is a free program which sends people out to homes of frail seniors to help them with exercises.
I was annoyed that someone might use the word "free" because I got a bank statement, and was annoyed at all the nickel & diming that institutions make. I even left a voicemail asking the co-ordinator to actually answer the questions I left. One pet peeve people have is people ignoring the content of a voicemail, and turning it into voicemail tag.
As for the "free" remark, I don't like the word when used in a society where everything has a price, and especially when a government employee makes it, since they live in the world of entitlement.
I need to get some exercise, chill out,...