Ive been dreading today all year, it's my late dad's birthday, only our 2nd without him and things haven't got any easier. I find myself thinking about all the other loved ones I have lost in my life, especially my husband & nephew. I could feel my heart pounding whilst I was laying in bed last night, then all the familiar feelings came rushing through my body. I tried to think of positive things, like I'm laying here next to my new love and I know my husband would have loved him as my dad did.
Am I being selfish still grieving for my husband when I'm in a new relationship? It's been 9 years surely things should be getting easier. On a more positive note, since beginning this course I have become so open and honest with my partner, don't get me wrong we don't keep secrets and I never lie to him, I mean in respect to my past and the events that have gotten me where I am today.
That said the day has passed uneventfully, no more attacks, I know it is thoughts that set me off, a particular date for example, also I have to return home in 2 days and leave my partner, and I know this usually brings on an attack but if I don't think about it, remind myself I will return in 3 weeks I'm sure I will be fine.
I find writing on here is helping me enormously & thanks to everyone for your kind words and advice.
Until tomorrow keep smiling