Hi. Well, I am one of those who is on the road to recovery and when I am feeling really well I try to get caught up on my housework etc. so I don't post. but I still find that I can suddenly get an attack out of the blue and then doubt creeps in again. Early this afternoon I was working on some paperwork and suddenly I felt dizzy, anxious, and weak and this unsettled feeling has lasted all day. My husband asks what triggered it, what were my anxious thoughts. Well for the life of me, I don't think I had any anxious thoughts. It just came. Then I think my arteries are plugged, or something and that this causes these spells. I told him that I first got the symptons then I got the anxious thoughts. I just don't know what to really believe anymore. I get doubt and think maybe the doctor missed something in his checking me out. So, how am I coping? Well, I am more than a bit discouraged today. Then I turn to this site for support, to share thoughts and to hear how others are doing.