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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-04-20 11:42 PM

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2024-04-08 3:54 PM

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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-03-25 2:47 AM

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Posting Has Its Rewards

12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hugs and Jose
I think posting is like starting a conversation also..It is nice when people respond and it's ok if they don't too..Posting gives me a chance to open up and reading other peoples posts makes me think about how I feel and  how others feel..It helps me to understand myself better..Posting does have its rewards thats for sure..I try to come up with one positive thought every day because it jumps starts me..If I can just come up with one positive thought and post it, that opens the door for more positive thoughts..This is my way of coming out of the darkness and into the light..and makes it a much better day for me...
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for replying.  I don't know where everybody who's usually online is.  It must be the great weather!
To be more specific, with shyness(GAD) having been the problem, and being the greatest excuse-maker in the world, posting "simulates" being with people, and reduces my fear of being with people in the big, beautiful world outside this laptop.  So as I can trudge along, and build some confidence with the members who take the same small steps, I can try some similar things outside today.
I think I lost some ground, since I did a lot of groups....
As for my mind(too slow but taught a lot of people the value of patience) and soul(a child's spirituality but I had parents who were both saints) I could use a lot of work in both areas.
It sure means a lot when anyone responds, and the facilitators are so supportive
12 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great outlook!
Posting is great for the mind and soul!  Everyone has a thought or opinion but the fact is that we are all here to help one another and share our experiences with each other.

Josie, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Posting to me, is like starting a conversation.  People can reply or not, and either way it's okay, I've found.  This is translating into some comfort in the "real" world, since this website gives me some practise.
Sometimes I'm surprised at the replies, either way, but it's all helping me, and I suppose this is making me allow to eventually build relationships, friendships and intimacy eventually.
Like a lot of things, nothing is guaranteed

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