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Tough Love?

11 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Interesting discussion on tough love Hugs. Setting boundaries and communicating is so important in any relationship in regards to tough love I think it totally depends on ones definition of what tough love is and the situation.
Davit, where you live sounds so beautiful. Makes me want to go live in a cabin with a garden in BC
Kaitie, It sounds counter intuitive that your doctor yelled at you when you were anxious about eating foods. Yelling would make the anxiety around eating worse wouldn't it? I am glad you are healthy now despite everything. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Sounds more like a core belief built on being told you were fat. Anxiety and core beliefs go hand in hand. Anxiety can open core beliefs and vice versa. Kind of a vicious circle but knowing it lessens the effect. Challenging it lessens it a lot. 

11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have been diagnosed with anorexia but I don't really consider myself anorexic, it was more of a label that was stuck on me. I did want to tone my body at one stage because a couple of girls at school called me fat when I was 12, so I exercised more and ate really healthily. All I wanted was to fit in, and I don't think I even lost any weight in doing this. I've always been a little underweight my whole life- even now I'm on the lower end of my healthy weight. Maybe confidence issues would have been a better description, and I have gotten over them now :).

That's how it's been for me too. Whenever my panic disorder flares up, I have difficulty eating. My used-to-be psychologist tried to fit me into a box and if I said something which didn't fit in that box, she'd cut the corners off.

11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I think that was extreme and unnecessary. But what do I know. Were you anorexic? Every time I can't eat it is due to stress. 

11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs,

I've never used tough love myself, but I've had my fair share of receiving tough love. Without it, I probably would've died. Just after I started high school, I felt sick one day for the whole bus ride and my first class for the morning. It scared me because my house was over the other side of town and my dad wouldn't be home from work until later in the morning. After my parents picked me up, I felt a bit better and was fine eating. A couple of days later though, I started feeling nauseous again so I avoided eating for the day. Of course the nausea didn't subside, so I went 18 days without eating hardly anything and my weight dropped to 32.5kg (71 Ibs). I was hospitalised for another 18 days while I was being fed through a nasal gastric tube. A few days before I was discharged, my psychiatrist came into my room at lunchtime and said "That tube is coming out tomorrow and if you don't eat, I'm sending you to an anorexia specialised ward in Brisbane where you won't be able to see your parents and you'll have to eat to be rewarded with privileges." I still couldn't bring myself to eat, so she starting yelling at me saying she wasn't going to leave the room until she was satisfied with the amount I ate. It was terrifying, not only eating the food itself, but having her yelling and threatening me.

To this day, five years later, I still don't agree with what she did. However, I did start eating again so it did work. I guess what I'm trying to say is there are ways of going about things that achieves the same result, without affecting relationships.

11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
For me tough love does not mean my way or the highway. It may seem like it sometimes but it is only because I'm trying to save them from wasting time. Time is something we don't have enough of. Sometimes I'm wrong, but not often. I don't stick my nose in unless I'm pretty sure of myself.

So how do you deal with tough love aimed at you? Do you accept it gracefully or not? Or are you so blind you don't see anything but your way? Some people don't even know they are doing it, they are so used to doing things their way they can't see any other way. So who is right? 

Some times drawing boundaries only makes it worse. But so does ignoring it.

For me a situation has developed that I do not know if drawing boundaries would have helped, I know ignoring it didn't work. Setting some rules might have brought it to a head sooner. Maybe that would have been better, who knows.
Anyway I will pick up the pieces and get on with life. 

Ten hours in the glorious sunshine today. Sunburnt again. (red hair) :-) (used to be) :-) Too tired now to make supper. Me and Thomas will have cereal. He likes it better than cat food. One should not practice tough love on themselves.
Lovely evening, no wind, geese in the pond. No Bear tonight. It is so quiet and peaceful. I guess that is why I live here.
Tomorrow is another day, come what may, tomorrow still will.


Ps can you hear the geese? 
11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wonder if anyone has practised the old fashioned "tough love".  I had to stand up to someone recently, and it wasn't perfect, but I suppose drawing boundries, never is

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