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In a Crisis

12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Debora,
You have received some great words of wisdom and support from Carmie and sunny123. Please get the assistance necessary to get through this time. 
We are here for you,

Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi D:    Here's another quote I like, it's from Al Anon which I participated in years ago and I think AA uses it too.  It is "Let Go and Let God".  In other words, give it over and let it go, He will do the rest, He'll take care of you.  You have been struggling with your fears for a long time, time to let go and Let God.  We often pray for help and guidance, saying the words, but do we really believe and have faith in what we are saying?  
I hear you when you say you've seen medical professionals more times in the past month or so than you normally go and how nerve-wracking it has been.  I remember going every week for about three months.  However, what a blessing that we have these medical people around.  That's a real positive.  We have the opportunity to get well if we want to, rather than in some third world counries where they walk miles to see a doctor, if there are any doctors or clinics even around.  
Sure it's unpleasant going to doctor's appt.  I still don't like it much and my bp soars as I have office pressure, or white-coat syndrome, but the alternative is to sit and worry about my health and get worse and worry about all the what ifs which pop into my head.  You've already had some appts. and you came home again.  You were strong enough after all and you had thought and posted that you wouldn't make it.  This would be a great positive thought to build on, for your son's sake as you have written.

Still saying a prayer for you every day,
cheering you on,
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
I'm very sorry that things seem so gloomy right now.   Here is a quote that I find helpful  to know - just because we are feeling scared and afraid doesn't mean we don't have courage.  When you went to the ENT last week, even though you were afraid, you were very courageous.  That is part of a long list of reasons why I believe in you.  It seems like there are things that are necessary for you to do to be well again.  Perhaps if you focus on the end goal, being well, and having a vision of what that will look and feel like, it could make everything easier for you. 
I don't know exactly how to explain this theory but it really seems like being afraid is habit-forming.  We can wake up every day and tell ourselves the same things and unless we make big changes, we can't break the habit.  If you ever notice that I am positive, it is because I try to be that way.  In the beginning, it wasn't natural but it soon became like a good habit.  Now the positive thoughts are more natural for me, after months of forcing myself to find the positive.
I had a rough drive home from work.  I've been feeling dizzy a lot this week.  I think it's stress.  What I love about having found this site and everyone here - is that I am so much more aware now of the need to take care of myself and to find time to relax and take care of me.  I do that for myself but I also do it for my family.  I think it's easier to do things for the kids and I was glad to read that you feel the same way about your son.  It's something good to focus on when you need to do things that are very difficult.
Wishing you a better evening - I remember a few days ago that you felt best when it was almost time for bed and that you almost felt calm.  I hope that feeling comes soon for you and sticks around for awhile.
Peace to you,
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The last week I have felt myself going way down. Before I found about the surgery and I was not very good thats for sure but this has sent me so back I cannot believe it, I feel any progress I made is out the window, sometimes I feel like I cannot go on another day, all I want to do is stay in bed and sleep so I can forget about my life right now and the future surgery that terrifies me, I cant even pick up the phone to make the appts I need, I have seen two doctors, one ER room visit, my nurse, and a ENT doctor all in five weeks! And I am so tired of going to medical doctors that do not seem to help nor care, you would think after all that I would be a little better, its so discouraging, but I cannot just stay in bed because this is NOT going away anytime soon.

My husband is furious with me I think he wants to leave me, I dont blame him, I want too leave me, in a matter of speaking, he pretty much says there is no hope for me, I have lost all self control and strength and he does not want too be bothered, he has always been my rock and now he has turned from me, I know what he is thinking because I overheard bits and pieces of his conversation with his Mom on Easter Sunday, he pretty much said "I had to deal with her panic and depression and that was hell now this surgery and her health" I do not blame him for being mad, I have fallen hard and cannot seem to get up, I just wish he would not be so angry, it hurts the situation and makes me feel worthless and weak, more than I now am.

How am I going to pick up the phone and make these calls? It terrifies me, I have too go under general antheisia, and as I told everyone about my Mom not making it, and I have really no one to help me thru recovery, I dont want my husband with his anger and hostility helping me, and there is really no one else, all these tests and then I fear something else will be wrong.

I am so tired, I hope this tiredness is just depression and not a heart problem or anything. I am hoping and praying within the next few days I can get the ball rolling, the ENT seems to think it should come out, and I know it should the wheezing from the vocal cords are scaring me. I am trying to get the courage by reading other forums, like Sunny and her experiences, Carmies positiviity and hope and Red's courage what she needs too do and Bren and her situation, I only hope I can, I had a full blown panic at the ENT and I dont want that again, and I guess the main fear is not living thru surgery and leaving my son.   
I think my son and this site is what gets me thru it, its so hard to live when you think you are dying everyday.

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