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12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
We're all supporting you
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deb,
I echo Carmie's warm words of advice.  Remind yourself of that strong woman inside of you. 
Thinking of you!

Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sending you a huge hug from Maine.  You have nothing to be ashamed of - you were brave enough to walk 5 minutes in the hot sun.  That took a whole lot of courage.  I don't know if you had an opportunity to read Samantha's post and the others who were writing about Fear Goggles.  We all find ourselves wearing them - Here is a quote:
Fear Goggles:
When people are anxious or afraid they tend to only see things that confirm their anxious thoughts and not pay any attention to information that challenges their anxious thoughts. For example, people who are afraid of flying pay more attention to information about plane crashes than to information about how much safer flying is than driving a car or walking across the street....
When you have “fear goggles” on it’s hard to see information that doesn’t confirm your fear and you are more likely to jump to conclusions.
I remember that last night you had a moment where the pain was going away and you were starting to feel less anxious about your situation.  It's important to try to remember how you felt then because it was such a good moment for you.  I had some dizzy moments today (stress at work) and my lump in my throat returned.   I went for a little walk to empty my head of anxious thoughts.  Then I tried to remember a time when I was at peace.  I find it impossible to do relaxation exercises when I am really nervous - but it does help me to have something to remember - to think about how I felt when I was at peace - when my mind goes back to that place - my body slowly follows.
Does that ever work for you, Debora? 
Sending prayers and peaceful thoughts, Debora.  You'll be okay.  I just know it.  As you probably guessed, I am someone who worries about the future - but I know that you are strong and have it in you to free yourself from all of your anxious thoughts. 
I hope you are able to get some rest tonight and maybe think of one little thing you can do for yourself to bring yourself a little joy and nurturing.  You deserve lots of it!
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am so ashamed I am having my second panic attack today I write this so please forgive any mistakes or rambling.  I called my primary and they agreeed to see me this afternoon its about a 15 minute walk i started to go and 5 minutes there is collasped on someones tree lawn, my heart was racing a mile a minute with left arm pain and i almost threw up, i was so dizzy i had to run back home, i should of never tried to do that in my state of mind and health walk in the hot sun but I had no choice, now they are mad I missed the appt, i could not go any further the fear and the heat and sun i think i almost had a heart attack today.

my voice is still gone and the "sore" in my throat has come back making swallowing painful and my ear hurts, i feel like I am on the verge of a emotional collaspe and if they tell me I have throat or laranx cancer I will fall apart and probably have a heart attack i cant believe I could not make it to the docotr today, going alone walking in that hot hot sun made me physcially sick, now my only option is ER or urgent care but my husband has to work tommorwo and will be so mad if he is up late, I have an appt with my pysch nurse thursday and i am hoping i live and survive too go to that i know that is one i have to go too she insists i come in thursday i need my klonopin so i have to go if i live i really need too see a medical dr but if you are so scared how can you go? i made a complete fool of myself today i hope noone saw me laying there on the grass i just had to run there hope for me? i feel like i am dying mentally and physically, this throat thing has set me back so bad and its been going on so long i should of been well by now i know it unless its cancer and i pray God its not, the throught of a tube down my throat or nose set such fear in me i became sick on the street and being alone did not help, now i will probably hvae to go to ER because my primarys office is upset with me i tried to explain and they were very rude, i am having bad stomach pain and ovary pain which i have not had for awhile. and last night while sleeping i kept waking up hearing myself wheeze and gasp for breath like shallow breathing, is that anxiety that is a new one for me and it scared me i am so sorry for  rambling how on earth am i going to get better when the agorophobia prevents me from leaving the ho use?

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