The good thing about a young person, if you check her credentials, is that she may be gifted. Experience is great too, but time can wear away some of that enthusiasm, in any career.
Hate to be biased, but I've found, among the dozen people I've seen, that women are better when it comes to relationships, but you may have different interests. Also, I've been very choosy.
The whole idea of "professional" distance is just a caste system. Once I took a took a cooking course, I realized I was suddenly subordinate to yet another person, and I have to call her or him "chef". This is the way society is though.
Recently I took a night school course at a high school, and it seemed as though the janitor thought he was above me! What annoyed me was that I had asthma, and the principal's office, staff rooms and hallways were air conditioned, but the classroom with computers must have been 85 degrees, and I felt miserable each day after, of course. This wasn't the janitor's fault, but I didn't like his disposition.
We have to make choices about this, the world becomes smaller as we move in circles for these various reasons.
Then we have to factor in our "condition" and it's cautiousness...
Sorry for venting. I'd get a punching bag, but I think I'd hurt my hands. I don't think I can stand up straight after a week of weeding in a garden. I wonder if there's a way of weeding by bridging over a stability ball...too much time on my hands today as I had my physician's appointment cancelled