First off, and these are all just my impressions, not dealing with anger increases anger. Of all the emotions there is only one that can be both negative and positive. And that is "sad". What I do with anger is pass it through sad to acceptance. When I am mad at something or someone, I look at how "sad" the situation is and then accept that there is nothing I can do about it since I am not willing to be violent. It is not gone, it is just changed to something more tolerable.
The other way of dealing with anger is transference. I can't do this to another person but I could do it to paper or the wood pile. It amounts to venting or venting it off.
My brother does this to me (or used too, we don't talk anymore because of this) It amounts to one person venting to another person and not letting them vent back. You get rid of the anger but the other person is left with it. Not fair.
Anger can be used to split wood or pull weeds but it could come back. I prefer the first way. Pass it through "sad" to acceptance. If it comes back, do it again.
It may not work for every situation, I don't know, my anger is not that bad. The worst form of anger I get is when it happens so fast I place it where it doesn't belong and then I add to it by getting angry with myself. Now that is sad. It shouldn't happen but it does. Lucky for me I can dissipate my anger by using sad so it never lasts long and very seldom comes back.
Going to study anger to see if there can be a chemical reason for it. Interesting thing how depressants can bring out hidden anger in mild personality people and those with dementia. Could it be they just have a better capability to block it. My dad when he got alzeimers became angry, very angry. In real life before that, he had a fair bit of stress and even though he was an alcoholic and I could see anger in his face often he never let it out. Maybe he learned how to control anger in the war. Maybe he too just used "sad". I don't know, he is dead now.
How do the other members treat there anger, or do they?