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Introducing Myself

12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Josh and WELCOME to the site.  I think part of the reason you are still waking up nervous, is that you go to sleep thinking negative thought about the possible panic attack.  It is foremost in your mind, so when you wake up, the thought is right there where you left it.  You are going to bed tense/negative. Try and change the negative thought to "just because I had a panic attack that morning (night, whenever) doesn't mean I'm going to get one when I wake up".   I have found doing the relaxation techniques before bed one of the best things to do, with some positive self-talk.  I do muscle relaxation and visualization the most, and when I get really tense or stressed, the box breathing.  I don't know if you've done these before, but I personally feel they are the best coping techniques out there.  It may take awhile to get the hang of it but don't give up, morning and night, practice twice a day.  One day you will see that they come automatically when needed.  It only takes 5-10 minutes at a time.  Keep the faith and believe.  I no longer have panic attacks.  CBT works, so hope you are studying the program and doing the homework.
Your friend, Sunny
12 years ago 0 18 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 I have a question, How come each time i wake up i am very Nervous? Its like this everyday. I do admit i do lay in bed " Thinking about am i going to have a Panic Attack " like this everyday. Any Suggestions? An most of the day i wonder an think am  i going to have a Panic Attack, anyone know any tips? Thanks
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Josh2011,
Welcome to our online support community and thank you for introducing yourself to us. We all really appreciate from new members and hearing your story of course. Please continue to share your experience with us and ask any questions you have. The program is a great way to learn about panic and anxiety it will also help you challenge your yourself. We are definitely here for you and look forward to hearing more from you in the forums.
Members, what suggestions do you have for working through the program?

Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Josh.

I'm glad it is helping. Time cures all.

12 years ago 0 18 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Im Josh a 27 yr old Male from the US, I suffer from Anxiety/Panic Attacks its been 4 months living with this an its hard.  I came across this site An it has helped me within 1 week, ive done more than 4 months. I get really nervous when im out in public places, My heart races really fast i also feel like im going to pass out, But by doing the homework they give you here I have been able to get out an go to a store without being so nervous. There are days when i feel awful the " WHAT IFS " are always stuck in my head, feel most nervous right when im waking up, dont know why tho. But I am here to talk with other people an we can help each other, because i know its hard living like this but in time it does get easier. If anyone needs to talk ill listen. Josh

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