I was wondering if anyone else has noticed that it is getting easier for them to make adjustments to things and situations in life since they have been doing the cbt program??Red....
Yes Red... that is exactly what has been happening for me too. My daughter's wedding was last weekend in another town... there were so many potential triggers (or should I say old triggers?)... travel, being with lots of people, staying in a hotel, boarding the pets, eating in public, having my picture taken, etc. etc. etc. Such a long list of fears!
The weekend went beautifully. No worries... no upset... in fact, my dh was pretty nervous about everything and I was so calm and relaxed, friendly, smiling the whole time. Naturally so... not forced! I actually enjoyed the whole thing. It was so smoothly done that I did not even have to think about strategy and backup plans or escape routes. I just did it. My older daughter was amazed
This week (post-wedding) has been more of a challenge. Have settled into a mild depression. Before I would have panicked about that and taken myself deeper into it out of fear & self-loathing. But this time, I'm telling myself this is a normal reaction to a lot of changes. Kind of laying low and trying to just go with the flow... no judgments or panic. We shall see. I'm glad you are doing so well and are willing to share your success with us.