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14 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi all
So, my story begins with the 1st panic attack. Im actually not sure what triggered it but it was NOT a fun experience. I was in bed trying to go to sleep, when all of sudden, my heart started racing. Then I got light headed & hot. Then the muscle twitches started. I thought I was having a heart attack & about to die! But I'd remembered feeling like that when I was dehydrated once from taking magnesium citrate for constipation; so I got up & chugged 2 glasses of water. It somehow calmed me down & I eventually fell asleep...
That was about a month ago & I've been having panic attacks almost every night since then. Im actually in the middle of one while Im typing this (chest discomfort & dizziness right now). I try to tell myself everytime I have one that it's all in my head but once it's started, it's like trying to shut the gate after the horse has already left the barn, if you know what I mean. I even bought a book an anxiety attacks. It helped for a few days (I was on a 6 day stretch w/o an attack) but the one that came after that was a doozy & kept me up all night.
 So now here I am - 3:35AM my time & I have to be up @ 8AM... Im OVER these sleepless nights & irrational, unrealistic fears!

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