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Helpful Tips & Tricks

16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0 more..
A bubble bath once in a while, very soothing
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Those are all great:)
 Audiobooks, have you tried them? you can walk and listen, or listen when you drive, or I listen when I do my sewing. You can just lie on the couch and listen.
Try doing a family tree, they keep you engrossed and no time to think!!!
Take photos,  I see things differently through the lens, then I enjoy to print them and stick them on the wall.
Bake something, I find baking relaxing, I love to lick the beaters
I love to spend time playing with my cat.
Exercise of course:) the gym or a bike ride get my heart rate up, and even if I feel draggy to do it, afterwards I feel like amazing.
Get a hobby and enjoy it, very relaxing,
16 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have another one!

When you wake up in the morning, try and get at least 1 minute of natural daylight.  Stand at, or in the direction of a window.  Let the light hit your face. 

It really helps wake you up and make you feel less tired.

16 years ago 0 151 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ya All:
My stress busters include gentle restorative Hatha Yoga.  When I was first diagnosed with Panic Disorder last year I forced myself to go to class twice a week.  After a while I really enjoyed going & used to walk to/from class, about 1 hour walk in total.
I love to garden & even in my worst attacks I found it really helped me.  Another relief method is Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, I took the 10 week course.  I have the MBSR  guided CD's and before my surgery used to do the body scan.
Well that's my input.

16 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great hearing what works for everyone. 

I think going out seems to be in general agreement.  I think this is the most important.  Staying in all day is no fun, and just makes it harder to get out again. 
Music really helps me, too.  It's harder to focus on anxious thoughts when you are drowning them out with music.
I've been doing DIY for my partner for the past few days, and that's really helpful, too.  I've been out and about buying things we need for it, which involved long bus rides (which I don't like) and lots of busy shopping centres etc. 
I feel that I only ever have bad days when I allow myself to have bad days.  They are getting fewer and fewer, and the only thing that's holding me back from being a normal functioning person is me. 
I'm trying hard to make myself STOP thinking about anxiety.  Like when I'm on a bus or I drift and think about how fast my heart or breathing rate is.  It's fine.  It will always be fine.  They're all just bad habbits that can be loosened and let go of.

Another thing that helps me is when I'm going to sleep, I consciously repeat to myself that tomorrow, I"m going to have a good day.  I'm going to wake up feeling refreshed and energised and get on with having a good day.  It sounds quite simple, but it is effective. 
Cogito ergo sum.

16 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This really is a great idea dark blue, thanks!
I think all of mine repeat what you all have written already but just to emphasize:
1. Remind myself to stop comparing. Go at my own pace, I am me, not her/him/it.
2. Laugh!!! I was surprised when I was horrifically depressed there were moments I caught myself laughing... why!? I thought and I thought why not!!! This leads to my next...
3. Stop asking why.  Just do.
4. Yup, of course, LOVE. Hugs, kisses, words, pets! etc. 
5. Go outside and bike ride or take walks. Soak up the sun. Go to the beach or lay in the grass. Connect with nature.
6. Journals. Write it all down.
7. Move your body. Exercise and dance.
8. Keep learning and get inspired. Listen, talking, making mistakes, reading.
9. Have a goal and remind yourself of it.
10. Challenge and face your fears!  This is the hardest but most effective.
11. Sing out loud!!!
12. Keep practicing. "Practice makes permanent."
I think there is a lot more I can add. 
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow this is such a great thread! Love it, thanks DB for starting it!
Ok here are my tips and tricks. They are pretty similar to what has been said already but hey.
1. Exercise. I used to skip this part all the time. I did not realize how important it is. Then when I relapsed, I was litterally paralized with fear. I could barely move around. My heart could not stop thumping. My muscles hurt and were like galvanised in place. It was aweful! Then I read exercise would help and figure, at this point why not. I asked my mom to help and she started taking me out for little walks in front of my house everyday. At first I had to stay in front of my house! Now, come rain or shine I go out for a little walk. And I go farther and farther! Now I can actually walk all the way to work and as I found out yesterday all the way to the public library! Yay! Moving, exercising reduces my stress so much!
2. Activities. Getting out of the house, not sitting in self pity, overcoming anxiety and obstacles helps me feel so much better. I am planning to call my friend and go to the movie theater! I went to the restaurant with my husband the other day! I still get scared but slowly I am conquering and it feels great!
3. Stay in contact with those you love. Love. Love.Love. Whether it is by e-mail, or phone or in person stay in touch. I figure at the end of my life I won't regret not having worked enough but I will regret not having loved enough! So those who live near I try to see when possible (we all have busy lives...). Those I see often I tell them I love them and am grateful to have them in my life regularly. Those who live far I write letters or e-mails to and phone when I can. It helps me feel less alomne and more connected. Also, I include pets in this. Spending time with my pets. Just petting them and being happy with them helps releive a great deal of tension for me. And anyway, who can love you more uncondoitionnally thena pet .
4. Call on your ressources when you need them! I had not done that and I relapsed! Now when I feel the need I tell people around me I am feeling off. I call my psychologist and take an appointment! I come on here and chat with you guys. I restart my program whatever. Go to your ressources when you need them before a relapse!
5. I also like to laugh! I also figure if I can still laugh I will be ok! Plus laughter is great tension release!
6. Keeping a journal, writting down my feelings. I find it incredibly helpful. It is a private place for me to express myself. I do not do it everyday but I do do it everytime I feel the need.
7. Diet. I am trying atm to change my life and eat better. But one thing I did do is cut out caffeine! Man that made a difference!
8. Herbal teas! Love them! Chammommille is great! So is linden tea! Fruity ones are grat too for those who love sweet things!
9. Spirituality. Whatever your faith is, I think a feeling of connectedness and a strong spiritual tie to your life is a great help.
10. Being. I try to be present to the present moment. I try to just be. The present moment is the only moment where I have any power over my life. The past is gone I cannot change it. The futur has not happened yet and I cannot do anything for it yet. But it is in the present moment where I have power, it is in the present moment that I can heal from the past and lay the foundation for my futur. There is no point to living either in the past or the future, one should just BE, in the Present. This lesson I learned from a very good book. I have posted about it in the mod's corner.
11. Be kind and patient and loving to yourself. When I start being too mean to myself I ask myself: " If my bestfirend whom I love greatly was in my shoes right now, would I treat her so meanly? Would I be so harsh to her?" And of course the answer is always no...Then I ask: "then what would I do for her?" And then I try to do that for myself!
12. Be creative! I find being creative helps me express myself and release tension. The beauty of it is I don't have to be good at it for it to feel good. Which is good since I am no artist! But I love colouring or painting or drawing. Singing, playing piano. Dancing. I find gardeing creative too. I am no good at it but it is great! Just be creative it helps! It is the process that counts not the result!
Anyway, theese are my tips! Have a wonderful day all!
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great post darkblue! Thanks for starting this thread.
Does anybody else have any tips or tricks on handling stress, anxiety or panic?
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great topic and some great advice.  Some of my tips may be very similiar to yours...
Here are mine:
1.  Excercise / get out everyday!!  I agree.  For me this is very important and something I do rain or shine.  Most often it's a long walk but a good run is great too.  There is something very therapeutic about being outside. 
2.  Laughter... If I can still laugh theres an end in sight...
3.  Journaling.  A place to share all of your thoughts, some of which you may not be able to vocalize or are afraid to share.  I've had that problem with my obsessions...  I'm afraid to share them as it puts them out to the universe...but my journal is mine...and  I never look back... always forward :)
4.  Well balanced diet (I know this but fall of this wagon often).  Limit refined foods..and take a MULTIVITAMIN especially us hormonal women.
5.  Chamomile tea is great... actually for me any decaf hot beverage can be very soothing...
6.  A routine... especially if you're struggling right now.  Ensure you get up each day...get dressed :)...and do something.  Clean your house, do some gardening... etc.  Don't be dormant and wallow... it can only make things worse.  This can be a hard thing so if you have a partner, or close friend, neighbour you can confide in this can really help.  When I was at my worst years ago (before I knew what it all was), my girlfriend would check on me everyday... made me go to the grocery store with her or walks etc.  Helped a ton especially if my husband was working.... 
7. Love... for me this is so healing like laughter.  Hug your spouse, your kids, your parent or friend....  or if hugging isn't your thing tell them you love them.  Revel in these moments as they are what matters... 
8.  Faith.  Whether it be spiritual or some type of god....  Having something to believe in.  I'm always seeking peace this way.  Right now it's yoga and the mindfulness connection.  If I could slow my mind I would
9.  Be patient with yourself and forgiving.  All your hardwork will pay off... even if you do it in baby steps...
I look forward to reading others helpful tips... I'm always looking for more.
Again DB...great topic.  Thank you!
16 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I thought it would be a good idea to focus on some positives and for everyone to share what works for them, and what's important in their continued improvement.
So here, we go.  What are your best tips and tricks on handling stress, anxiety and panic?

Mine would be:

Get out, every day.  Just to get some fresh air and be constantly normalised to being out and about.  It helps massively.  At first, you might find yourself being anxious, but if you continue to do it; it will get easier.  Even if it's just a walk, or going out for the day.

Practice breathing techniques, at least once a day.  Box breathing, abdominal breathing, yoga breathing.  Anything that gets you used to breathing more deeply so that when you are feeling anxious, you can retort back to breathing deeply and calmly.  It's best to practice when you are very relaxed and content.  I do mine in the bath.
 Don't eat high sugar foods frequently.  The occassional treat, we all know, is fine.  But eating a high sugar diet means you will crash from that sugar high and feel hungry and anxious.  Eat frequently.
Camomile tea.  We all know I'm basically a walking advertisment for it.
Set your time to worry.  Set aside about half an hour every day to worry.  It sounds strange, but it means that when you are sitting feeling anxious, you can stop yourself and tell yourself that you'll worry about it at 'worry time'.  That is the only time you are allowed to consciously worry about things.
Be open and honest with your doctor.  And if you don't like them; change practice.  I've been stuck with a doctor who talks down to me and tells me that "It's only anxiety" for long enough.  I'm ditching and switching.
If you're off work - talk to your employer at least once a week.  Mine is constantly telling me that he wants me back at work.  I've got a sick line, I keep saying, and that I'm not ready.  He's not the most understanding person about anxiety, but keeping that communication active is vital for when I do return.
That's it for now.  Please share your's.

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