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Forcing a face of the PA

15 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Atedge,
It can be a pain dealing with the few crazy folks, the only way I've learned how to deal with it is to let go.  Then, later on check myself, and the situation that happened.  Sometimes you can't check as its happening, usually I'm all tensed up and will begin rationalizing things that shouldn't be rationalized.  If I am wrong, I (try) to make right when and if I have a chance, and then let go again.  You can only give an apology, can't accept it for them.  I've found confidence is built through what you can, not can't do.  Anxiety disorders tend to make you focus on the latter.
You're definitely not alone in all this craziness of crazy messes!
And good stuff with quitting smoking.  I'm not there yet, but maybe one day soon.
Good luck at the new job!  Nothing like refreshing new scenery to bring new light on the situation.
15 years ago 0 187 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Well done atedge.

I have quit for the last two weeks. So mutual pats on the back.

My work right now is also super stressful. I am also trying to finish my studies so that I can take a really awesome job but I am not motivated to finish off what I am doing here. My one foot is already at my new position...

Good luck with the job change. Let us know how it's going.
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Atedge,
I wanted to congratulate you on quitting smoking. It is tough. I quit two years ago and it took some time till it felt easier. But now I am super happy I toughed it out!
So you are in the middle of a job change? Adapting to new situations can be tough. Please feel free to post here anytime. You will see that the people here are great!
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
But as good as it will be to leave the personalities that made the current job hell for the last 2 years, I'm not sure I've got all the bases covered for the job change (new job in different country but I have family living there).
Also found messenger and hadn't noticed the popup blocker. It's working now thanks.
The various online resources can be found with googling, and you are right about posting links, as good as intentions may be there will always be some posts that are commercial in nature ruining everything.
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
atedge,   Changing jobs can be stressful but it sounds like you have a real handle on your situation.   Our new CBT Web-Based Instant Messenger is much more user friendly, and does not require you to install any programs on your computer, so it will be even easier to chat with other members.

To help out, we’ve outlined the steps to use the new CBT Web-Based Instant Messenger:

How to Log Into the new CBT Web-Based Instant Messenger:
1.       Log into the PC.
2.       Go to the PC Support Group home page.
3.       Click the word Launch beside the sentence The new and    
         improved CBT Buddies Instant Messenger
4.       Voila! You are logged in and ready to chat with other PC  
         members who are online.


Note: Some members will need to disable their pop-up blocker and set their security settings to the default level in order for the SSC IM to function properly.

How to Add Members:
1.       Log into the PC.
2.       Launch the CBT Buddies Instant Messenger.
3.       Click Add New Contact at the top of the screen.
4.       A screen will pop up. Insert the nickname of the Buddy
         (their nickname is the name that they use in the Support Group) that you want to add to your contact list and click “Add”.
5.       You can now begin chatting with your Buddy

If you have any questions or comments, or if you receive any errors, please contact us by clicking the Feedback button at the bottom of the page.   I should also mention that we do not allow the posting of URL’s or information about products. In some cases we allow the posting of URL’s, but only if the URL links to a not-for-profit organization or news article. If we did allow people to post URL’s or links to sites that market products the Panic Group would be inundated with spam. Our goal is to help people cope with their anxiety, and we do not promote other products or services   Let us know how it goes!     Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sarah
I have downloaded numerous free relaxation and some meditation mp3 from the internet.
I would post links here but it may be better to put them in a relaxation type thread.
Exercising is relaxing and I may be able to start again now that injuries have healed.
I just happen to be changing jobs at the end of the month, which adds to the anxty.
(I think the current job had very anxty provoking situations and, I stayed for the exposure therapy for the last year, decided to finally leave for a better job). 
I don't see how to join the messenger support, would you know? since I know I would feel better just  conversing about the symptoms with people in the same boat etc.
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
atedge,   Congratulations on quitting smoking!   You mentioned that smoking had a calming effect for you. Have you considered other relaxation activities that you could enjoy to help you cope? Perhaps yoga or other deep breathing techniques could help you relax?    Members, any other advice for atedge on what has helped you relax in the past?     Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey jhori,
I hear you...
I'm the kind of person that likes everyone to like me, finds it difficult to say no, etc. all which prob contribute to the anxty.
I'm learning  to be less concerned about what people think.
I like what you said:
"They see, some care, some think it's weird, but in the end, as long as I accept it, they seem to be generally really accepting as well.  Well the cool ones do, the rest either brush it off like raindrops off a windshield and don't hold it against me, or are crazy themselves and hold anything they can against me."
Unfortunately, "the few that are crazy themselves" are the ones that affect my own emotions most--- I'm still working on that.
I don't have PA, just a lingering anxiety with IBS and insomnia, for 2yrs now,  with recent fear and nervousness, last few days.
I had quit smoking 6 months before this all started, and feel like starting smoking again since I recall that to be calming (there is no medical reason for it except to combat nicotine withdrawal). It's probably the "smoke breaks" and the deep breathing from inhaling that might be the relaxation component.
I don't want to give up either.......
The worst part is, as you've phrased it, 
"the same "confidence shaker" after effect." 
2 yrs in this haze HAS taken it's toll in my confidence.
Thanks for voicing what I am experiencing, that makes me feel less alone!
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sounds like despite you panic attack, you are doing so well and are staying positive. You have a great attitude, you are accepting that it happened not dwelling on it. Good for you
Take the time to enjoy your weekend! Are you having a feast this thanksgiving weekend?!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 187 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Joe
Sorry to hear you had an anxiety attack. But I guess we have to acknowledge how much better they are than full blown panic attacks. At the moment I not afraid of having a panic attack. But I do fear that sort of lingering anxiety that kind of recks your whole day. A short-lived high intensity panic attack is one thing but that kind of high level anxiety that lasts the whole day still upsets me. I know that it is just because I don't accept that feeling and that when I do I will start to loose the fear of that as well. But we will get there.
Is that light I see?

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