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Bleurgh !

15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
2 Hour sleep!? 
You are just amazing. 
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
DB , helloooooo . Have missed seeing you post how are things ? Have already told Miki its the mum in me , so bound to worry hehe .
Ok first of all April , it was only a small PA dont know if it would have worked out the same if it was a teeth clattering one ! But yes i have found that in a crisis , i know that wasnt a crisis . I tend to whoosh go into 'normal' mode . Um only afterwards im a wreck lol . Both my daughters in the last three years broke their arms , i hope you noticed daughters not my sons !!! Whats that all about ???? I handled them great till after we left hospital and got home . Espically eldest daughter because she had an operation on hers . All that from falling down TWO steps and other daughter out of bed  .
DM stop calling me supermum cos thats my name for YOU !!! You awsome thing you . You are so much better with the advice etc .
Okies last few days again have been hectic but im going with the flow . I just love that expression ! We had another BBQ with different neighbours and had a lovely time . I am getting on so well with my newish neighbour and husband . We sit out every evening in the front gardens just having a right giggle and laugh . Best medicine in the world . Even had a beer  just two ickle bottles .
Thanks for asking how i am , the pain really isnt agony its just uncomfortable  and like i said that horrible bloated feeling . Im lucky not to be in agony so count my blessings there . I just get very cross and frustrated because i want to do so much and cant . Yes i can potter about but thats it .
Lifes beginning to feel good , arghh said that now hope i dont jinx it !!
Remember the bad neighbour i said about ? Its sooooooo nice him not coming around anymore . I have actually passed him in the street a few times and was so very anxious the first time i felt sick but now i hold my head up high ! He spys on us all the time its horrible , his flat over looks our kitchen and sons bedroom , was mine i swapped ! His ex and new partner was the ones who came to the BBQ haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that will go down well . ( she lives in the same block of flats  ) . I know i was petty inviting them and the kids but hehehe allowed to , anyway my girl loves playing with her son .
Jhori oooooooo you lived in the posh area , have been to Windsor Castle a few times its wonderful . And Princess Di was a lovely special person . As for my accent i am dead common hahahahaha . I oringinally came from Oxford dont know if you ever went there . Such a beautiful city , but not where i lived . Took my kids away from the nasty dangerous place that it was becoming . Miss Oxford but LOVE Cornwall .
Well thats me done hope i havnt bored you all i really have waffled today . And all on two hours sleep !
TTFN todays another day CD xxxxxxxxx
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You just sum up the title of supermum or should I say SUPERMUM... and I used mum instead of mom like we say
You're stories even when they include challenges still have a way of making me smile or feel good.
Thanks again for sharing and I hope that all is well with you.  I also hope your feeling a better.
15 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi CD,
I'm still around, and thinking about you.
Hope all is well and getting better for you.  You deserve it.
Take care,


15 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ooooooh, you're from England!  THAT explains why I can relate to some words you use...I use to live there!  West Ruislip, about an hour from London, right next to Ickenham and Windsor....waaaay back when Princess Diana was still around.  Talk about a classy, down to earth princess.  And I miss fish and chips so much, they don't even come close to the same taste here in America.
Anyhow, 5 kids?  And 2 young men?  Holy shnickeys, you must keep a cricket bat on hand to keep them in order.  How you keep your sanity is beyond me, and a definite kudo's  for doing what you do.  Lol, the older ones wear you down mentally, then the younger ones wear you down's a vicious cycle!
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow! You definitely have your hands full!
April asked a great question, do you find if you start having a PA and something happens to distract you (a screaming child!!) your PA goes away?
Hope you were able to get some rest!!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya CD,
Wow I am tired and winded just reading all that you did! How do you do it! Wow! Dear, I am always amazed at all you get done! All those kids and spiders and moths and dead legs and BBQs and PA on top. I am very impressed with how well you handle it all. Kudos to you hun.
So basically the doctor had nothing interesting to say huh? Well that is no fun. And on top of it you were so tired. I would have been annoyed and wishing I was home too. Please do keep us posted though. How are you? Are you able to eat? Is the pain very bad?
Anyway, as always am impressed by your attitude facing all this and with your energy level. Please keep us posted! Have a good evening my friend and I look forward to reading your next post.
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cornish Dee,
Where do you get all your energy!? Well, I bet the kids give them to you. I would be so exhausted... but I guess when you gotta do something you can do it. 
Massive cyber massage to you!

15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Cornish-Dee, sounds you like you had quite the eventful night!  Do you find if you are having a panic attack that if you get distracted by something (i.e. the kids) you forget about it for a bit? 
Glad to hear you had a fun time at your barbecue (I love your British expressions, my parents are from there originally and I miss going over there all the time)
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hahaha Jhori82 thats exatly whats it like at times . I have 5 children  , well two are young men now but still have 3 littlies .
Sorry i havnt been around so much , i have never been so busy .
Well what a night the first one with my neice staying . I awoke at 2am , only went to bed at 1am to a mini PA , then heard my 9yr daughter breaking her heart . Whooosh PA forgotten about i was straight in there . She said she couldnt move her leg , awww told her its just called a dead leg .  Wrong thing to say , well it was 2am . But i used the word dead arghhhh silly me . So had to explain what i meant .
Decided that my daughter and neice wernt going to get to sleep no time soon so dragged a mattress downstairs and plonked neice on it . I went on the sofa with my daughter . Just settling after an hour when daughter screams thers a moth and spider . Great thats usually hubbys job . So up i get whack whack , there problem solved . Wasnt a big spider btw !
Jeez girls still awake at 5am then neice starts crying she wants to go home  . Made her feel better , so settled down for a third time . Yay daughter fell asleep then , but the snores . How much noise can a 9yr old make ???? Neice dropped off at 6 , me 7.30ish  .
Got up at 9 to get ready to see the doctor , felt sick and yucky and my neck was cricked . OK did i make a booboo . I thought my hospital appointment was for the op . Nope its just a constultation to see what they are going to do . All that wasted worry for nowt  . Plus i felt stupid and couldnt get out the room fast enough .
Later on we had a BBQ with a few of the neighbours and had a really nice evening , children behaved and played so nicely . They still didnt go to sleep till 12am , couldnt believe it . This time i kicked hubby out of my room and had the lot of them in with me . Didnt want the sofa again so soon lol .
Thats me done for now you will be pleased to know lol
Taraaaaa CD xx

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