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Bleurgh !

15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya hun!
I just read this thread! Sounds like you had a tough time. Oh and the poor girlies! I am tired and have nothing smart to say but I did want to stop in and ask how you are and how are they and hoe are things coming along?
Anyway, send news!
15 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm fine thanks just working it out as usual.  I am rather shocked at the response of the helper.  Anyhow it is completely unacceptable for this behaviour to take place in school. It sounds like they don't take this stuff seriously.  Bruised fingers and being pushed off a log and all in one day hmmm!  Sounds a bit too coincidental.  You really need to impress upon the principal what you said in your previous post that your daughter is is dreading school and is afraid to attend.  Again I wouldn't write any letter to the administrator but would see him / her in person.  Remember the principal is accountable to you and not the other way around.  Writing a letter does not have as much impact.  My advice is to approach it collaboratively with the principal.  Ask questions that are formed with "What can we do to ensure this does not happen anymore?"  Or  "There is a problem so what can we do about it"  When people feel like they are being 'put' upon then they close down.   So try and make it concillitory.  Be  clear  in terms of what outcomes you wish to see.  If you detect an ego on the part of the administrator then formulate the thing so it becomes his solution, even if they are in fact your solutions.  Do not be placated until you are placated....Afterall it is public education!   A few years ago my little guy was being threatened by an older kid and I remember the anxiety and stress that waiting one night caused me.  I didn't sleep and went through all case scenarios during the wee hours of the morning!  Catastrophic scenarios won out in all my attempts to be rational.  The next day I happened upon the kids parents in the school yard as well as the vice-principal and we settled it right there.  The boy said sorry and both ran off to play hockey!   My guy  forgot the incident immediately but I carried it for a very long time.  The trials parenthood!  Anyhow good luck and stay true to what it is you want!  Let me know how it goes!
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Hello Michael was just saying to JohnnyO long time no speak . How are you doing these days ?
Well thank-you ever so much for your post , it has been very helpful and made me feel more positive in what to do next . I will tell my husband about what you said when i see him as well .
Ok i didnt get to 'see' anyone the next day , my daughter was upset and wanted me to take her in class and by the time i was back my husband had finished talking with the office and ushered me home to 'talk' .
Dont know what you make of this but i now feel worse about it . My husband explained about the previous day . They got the 'helper' who witnessed some of what happened . She said that my daughter was giving as good as she got  . Dont think that is the point do you ? He said about the other boys pushing and shoving , oh i didnt know that bit she said . So they obviously havnt talked to her still .
Yesterday she came home with red fingers where a differnt lad whacked her with a pencil . Today she was pushed off the log bridge steps . What saddened me is mum i did what you said , i didnt fight back i screamed so loud they all covered their ears . They left me alone then  . A teacher asked if she was ok and my daugher said yeah im fine !! Typical British answer lol .
So i think tonight i will write a letter to the head and ask him to either have words with the boy/boys and monitor it . I do not find my daughter dreading school and being hurt acceptable . Or something like that .
Ahhh Joe makes sense now about Sloth just forgot his name . I got a wee bit lost . ROFL at underpants thats one way of dealing with it .
Hello Sarah thanks for the reply , have worked out why im extra anxious . Its because its that time of month , should have sussed it d'oh .
15 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cornish Dee
May I offer some unsolicited bit of advice.  I am a high school teacher and I see bullying far too often and it sickens me.  My advice, and I think you are on the right track by going to the school, is to make up your mind that this is going to stop.  Do not just talk to the teacher but to the principal or head teacher or whoever it is.  Get assurances that this will be dealt with and will be stopped ASAP!  Many administrators do not want negative attention brought to the school and so if they feel at all that this could potentially happen they will indeed act.  Do not be the agreeable parent and assume it will all be taken care of.   After you get assurances document the conversation(s) with dates, names and places and events.  Then follow up after a short amount of time passes.  With no disrespect to administrators, there are some who attempt to placate and downplay events.  Kids who are bullied can have problems later on in life....myself as an example!  Back then it was just put down to school yard antics and kids will be kids....luckily I had 3 older brothers with Irsih temperment!  Not everyone is so lucky though....Whatever, do not think for one moment that you are being an over 'busy' parent or making too much of it.  We send our kids to school to be 'educated' and in doing so we are entrusting those in positions of power to ensure that this is done in a safe and positive manner...Sorry for railing on but I am very passionate about this type of nonsense!  Please post and let me know how it goes!  Good Luck!
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
CD,   I'm sorry to hear that you are having a tough day.   Bullying can be very difficult to deal with but you are being very proactive by talking to the school, almost immediately after it happened too!   However, I'm also glad that you are keeping yourself active and busy! Hopefully this will help you sleep better at night as well.   Let us know how things at the school go and good luck!     Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh geez, lol...sorry Dee, I completely did not see this post before.  Sloth...that was the name of the guy from Goonies, wasn't it?  With the Superman shirt..."Heeeeey youuuu guuuuys!"...I could be wrong...
Sorry to hear about your girls.  I've had bullies as well, so I definitely understand the position.  Our way of dealing with it was a bit different though...since I'm Irish, we're big into playing jokes on people.  Though we're normally playful with the jokes, the bullies always got the worst of it.  We embarrassed one by displaying his underwear in the fish tank we had in the classroom (making sure to show his name his mom wrote on the tag, so he couldn't say it wasn't his...and added dirt streaks to make it memorable for him).  Although, depending on the bully, this could make it turn into an all out war, or make them stop all together.  I think we became that way because my parents always made us deal with our own issues, with a little advice from them...
Good luck with talking to the school.  Teachers do always have a way of helping the kids out.
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Boy im having some lousy days anxiety wise . Seem to be fighting it all the time . Pulling down abit as itds been a few days now . I keep myself really active and busy , am going to bed early because im not sleeping very well (for a change lol) .
Had a tough time with girls when they came from school . Both had incidents happen to them . My youngest was pushed over and has bruised legs and a letter saying she bumped her head and had an icepack on it .
My 9yr old was bullied , that makes the hackles go straight up as i was bullied at school too . She was bullied by boys though  . She was pushed around by a few of them calling her horrible names and the biggest punched her in the ear which she is complaining hurts.
Needless to say im going to be paying a visit to the school n the morning .
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello there DB thank-you for the hello  , appricated that . Yes we will , infact an hour after posting i was fighting one i was hunky dory MASSIVE improvement yay .
Joe im am lost about your Sloth story lol . Whad i miss ??????
OK girlies what you all doing ?? I know i can talk .
This last few days my mood has been fantastic . I am so busy around the house . I have been talking to neighbours every night and day . Um at different times i might add .
15 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If sloth can get adopted at the ripe young age of 32, then we have a chance at this too, Dee!
15 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello CD,
Dropping bye and saying hi. 

We'll get rid of those PAs yet.
All the best,


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