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No need to read, just doing some major venting...

15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello guys,
Thank you for your presence and support and the hugs and all those things. It means a lot to me and really is going a long way in helping me through this. I keep going from being sad and broken down to scared and panicked to just tired and numb.I have not eaten yet today. I have not worked. I have piles of laundry I cannot seem to be interested in. My mom broke some bones when she took a spill so I try to look brave and composed for her as she needs my help through her ordeal. My boos called me I am supposed to start typing up a report today and I feel completly disconnected from that and I can't seem to care enough to get moving. I feel very disconnected from all that atm. I did not have the courage to tell her though. I need to finish this contract so I can have off time for myself but can't seem to get going on that report. I feel so achy.
Last night I freaked out and jumped into my clothes at 3 am and ran out the door into the rain to get some air, I could not breathe. I ended up locking myself out of my own house at 3 am on a stormy night. Not my best move. And my hubby sleeps like a log! I had to bang really hard a long time on the door to wake him up so he could let me in. He was a bit angry with me for leaving without telling him. But I couldn't help but want to run!
Ok sorry for the long post, all this to say thank you and yes I realize I am a mess atm. Would it be horrible of me to post-pone work for another day? I just feel so aweful...I feel guilty for not going on with my life but I can't even make myself eat atm.
This group here and all your support is really been helpful and helps me get through this. I was panicking last night and was about to make things worse with the way I was thinking and then I thought of you guys and you being there and I started to challenge my thoughts and I got through it much easier. Thank you all for you help.
15 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva,   It is ok to let him go and grieve for him.  Have a personal ceremony for closure and to say good-bye.  Keep his memory in your heart and take some time to grieve.

Josie, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Diva , i wish i could give you a real hug . Iwould like a flash . I get what Koneko is saying and have to say i believe in what she said .
You will get through it Diva , its just so hard to take in atm . Think i told you i have had five family deaths in the last two years and two of them were only a week between them each  , the other was my cousin's 3yr old son . Thats when i first started getting my pa's . I off subject again but just wanted you to know i cant physhically be with you but i am spiritually and i do mean that .
You been nothing short of a brave wonderful person , who atm is facing her worse fear . I do urge you to keep talking to us and dont cut yourself away . Massive hugs Diva , thinking of you . Deep breathes all the time hun .
CD xxxxx
15 years ago 0 76 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't think it's a bad thing you comparing your cat's death to your grandparents.  I can relate to that, my cats are just as big a part of my life as anything else.  They become part of your family just like anyone else.  I know that you'll be ok though and will get through it.  It will take time and it may never heal but that's just a part of losing someone you love.  I don't think it does any good to forget them completely whether they're human or animal, I don't think it matters, if they were a part of your life then they're important.  Just remember that he had a good life and it does him no good to keep on if he's suffering.
I don't know what you believe in but I think he'll be with you in some form and I think he knows how much you love him.  I really believe that animals are smarter than we think they are sometimes and I think they can sense how we're feeling.  I know you'll keep him in your heart always and it will be painful but you can get through it, I think he'd want you to.  The best thing you can do is be there for him as I'm sure you already are.

15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi guys,
I'm sorry to be back yet again. I am freaking out atm, trying to deal with emotions I am just not good at dealing with. It feels like I can't breathe. He is going to be gone soon and it will leave a big whole. I can't make that go away. I am scared. It doesn't feel like I am going to be ok. I feel aweful and scared. I can't seem to get myself into shape. I feel like I'm going to shatter into a million little pieces of glass...I feel like Humpty Dumpy as he took his great fall off the wall...I am scared. I do not know how I wil deal with this. And it feels like there is no air in my house and I cannot possibly catch my breath. I have pain in my chest that is worse then anything. I know it won't kill me, that is not what scares me. I am afraid that this pain just won't go away. I don't know how to get over this or deal with this. I am NOT good with this! My eyes are so swollen from crying I can't keep them completely open. My whole face is getting swollen at this point. How does one deal with this?
I lost my grandparents. I loved them all and it was tough. One of them I barely knew and two of them I saw only once in a while, they lived far. And still I did not deal with it well. The other one was my grabdmother on my dad's side. Years later, I still get days where I can't stop missing her and feel like crying. I do not deal with these kinds of things well at all. And some of you might find it terrible of me to compare my cat's death with the death of my grandparents but you must understand that in a way my cat is like a person to me. He has been a huge part of my life for over 16 years and I am losing him. I do not know how to deal with this or how to go on after he will be gone. I can't breathe...I wish it wasn't so hot in here...
Sorry for writting so much, I guess being here is the only thing keeping me in one piece atm.Sorry for burdening you all with this.
I will miss him so much...My home will feel so empty...I am scared that I will not be ok again...
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Guys,
Thank you so much for your support and replies. It means so much to me as I feel upset and down and distraught...well you get the point. I do apprecite this so much.
I feel guilty for laying all this on you and I feel like I get more then I give on this Forum. You guys help me through everything and I am grateful to no end! Thank you again!
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Diva,
I"m so sorry to hear about your cat. I often do too wonder which is better for our pets who are suffering or if we should really put them down. It is a difficult decision and I would feel guilty too, but remember that you gave all you can for him and he really appreciates by being such a wonderful cat to you. I've lost 3 dogs in the past and I do often miss them yet I remember how much they have given me so much in my life and thank them for meeting me at that one point in time. Best wishes.

15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Diva im so sorry to hear things are getting so bad for you and kitty .  Thinking of you friend please take care .
CD xxxxx
15 years ago 0 1153 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry to hear about your cat. It is so hard to make these decisions. Is there anyone that you can talk to for some extra support at this time.

Brenna, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya guys,
Came back from a wonderful holliday trip. I went from Friday to last night late. I had fun. Talk about the calm before the storm.
I had left the cat at the vet's. I told them to examine him too while they are at it. When I went to pick him up today the vet spoke to me. She basically told me he will not get better. She told me he lost weight yet again. She said I should think about putting the cat down before he suffers too much...
I brought my cat home. Now I have to think on when I want to call the vet, how I am going to deal with all this. At this moment, I think I am in a weird form of denial. It is like my brain knows what is going on but the rest of me doesn't. I feel really calm. I keep like forgetting what is going on, like this is just another day with the cats at home doing some work. Although I am not working today, just tomorrow and such.
And then it hits me, that he will be gone, that I will come home to a house devoid of his presence and then I feel panicked and angry and sad and horrified and my brain cannot wrap itself around what it will be like without my cat there. And then I can't stop crying and I can't breathe and I want to just curl into a ball and not get up again. And then I feel calm again. My husband stayed home to take care of me. I can't seem to get around to doing anything. I just stay there either in pieces or eerily calm but I don't do anything really. I do not know how to deal with this, I just don't. When he is gone there will be a big whole in my life, so big that I cannot imagine what it will be like. I am scared.
I feel guilty, like I should have done more for him, more love, more petting, more cuddles, more, just more. He is a wonderful cat. I wish I could have done more for him. I will miss him so much...I feel guilty, like I am getting ready to kill him. And am I not? Should I not feel guilty?
But then I remember, that it is better for him. This way he will not suffer. He will have had a good life and he won't have suffered. It makes me feel a bit better and yet it is not enough to feel ok. I feel like I am staring at a big black hole and am about to be swallowed by it. I am scared and sad and angry, mostly I hurt badly.
Sorry for not taking the time today to answer all your threads. I tried to answer some but am just not feeling so hot atm. Am feeling exhausted and weird and am having a very very very horrible day. Will be more attentive in the future. Thank you all so much for your time and support. Sorry for dumping all this on you today. am just having a tough time dealing and staying in one piece.

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