Huh...I have the same thing. I'm glad you posted this because I think I'll bring it up to my doctor. I get the shortness of breath thing, and have some stomach issues. I went to the ER not too long ago and the doctor there mentioned GERD and acid reflux. It makes sense, because when I eat, even the smallest amounts make me very full and uncomfortable, and I LOVE to eat. Burping does help...but I have to eat several small meals during the day to ward off the discomfort. I should try some OTC antiacids until I go to the doctors...see if that helps any, only have to wait till Thursday...that's the appointment. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna go and write down everything I've been feeling so I can get a full work up (plus I'm pretty forgetful and I have a lot of questions for the doctor, poor guy...doesn't know what he's getting himself into, taking me as a patient, hehehe)
But back to what your asking, the ER doctor I saw said that shortness of breath is a major anxiety symptom, however with the wheezing I say go back to the doctor, he can make the judgement about what's going on. Don't worry about going back so soon, that's his job, and what you pay him (or your insurance pays him) for! I had problems with that myself, but I realized that he's providing me a service that I'm paying for, so I have the right to go when ever I feel it necessary, however I've gotten better with going to the doctor for every little thing (I would go if I had a twitch in my leg...go figure) So go to the doctor, tell them what's going on, let them check you out, and if it's not something physical, then remember what you learned here and look at it as an opportunity to put the things you've learned to good use.
I actually look forward to pushing myself to the point of panic attacks's a chance to practice what I've learned. You learned to be afraid of every little "noise" your body makes, you can learn to deal with it. Just challenge the anxious thoughts, until you can get to the doctor. Once you know what's going on, you'll know how to handle it! You can do it! Hope you feel better...and get to that doctor, it will give you peace of mind if nothing else!