Well, I made the mistake of browsing bipolar (one of my WORST fears) forums tonight. I read some things that I thought could be applied to my even recent behavior as well, and I panicked! I tried talking to my b/f about it, as if I was presenting a case. He cut me off, and got madder than ever. I became hysterical, and said I thought I should go to the hospital tonight. He told me he wouldn't take me at that hour, and that he just simply doesn't care anymore. That broke my heart, amongst other cruel and unkind things he uttered tonight. Then I mentioned going back to my mothers, again. Anyhow, he's asleep now. And I cannot seem to stop posting or reading these forums for the life of me. I feel SO embarrassed, but I am scared of what will happen if I step aside from this computer. I thought my researching days were behind me, I guess I am completely over-stressed. I'm supposed to do my injection for my physical condition tonight as well, I don't know how I will handle it. I have managed to make myself feel like I am a manic-depressive or something. I need to stop these obsessions now! I know this, but I'm scared to. I don't know why, I'm just scared I will lose control if I step aside from what I am doing. I just figured I would post this, because it has been an incredibly difficult night. Maybe I should go and speak to someone and get some reassurance that I am okay, or deal with the problem if there is another one after all. I don't want to mess up this relationship if it is, in fact, all my fault! Thanks again. ***I'll try and stop the researching online now.***