Congrats to both of you for sharing your successes. Helps to know you can "live" and enjoy life without alcohol. Been sober for 5 1/2 weeks now. However, I did have two beers at a restaurant with dinner this past weekend with my wife. I totally didn't look at it as I broke my sobriety at all (looked at it as a success)- for one I didn't get drunk. I looked at it as actually making a responsible and conscious low risk choice and a "choice" to have two beers and stop. Which I did without wanting to drink more and get drunk. I know I will hear this is how it all starts starting slow and then right back where you were or worse.
What I don't hear on here is people who drank to much then cut back to a successful level where getting drunk wasn't an option if they drank any alcohol?
I learned recently that 70% of the people that drink alcohol only consume 10% of the liquor production- the responsible drinkers. Where as, the remaining 30% of the people consume the other 90% of alcohol.
I want to be in the 70% percentile or am I just kidding myself. I feel like right now I have the tools to do it but I am concerned old habits with creep back in if I don't stay "FULLY" aware of my feeling and actions.