So this morning marks 60 day's for me. No binges, no bad nights/days. I love being able to remember what happened the night before. I love not having to worry---did I call someone or do something AGAIN....Did I embarass myself and do I need to "fix" it today? Does anybody know I binge drink? Where can I buy alcohol today that I haven't been in a while so they won't know how much I buy....If I pretend to be reading in the bedroom can I drink in peace without "getting into trouble"? OMG! How did I live like that. The answer is, it's not really living. I would have little pieces of living engulfed in a bottle. Like I would pour myself out every so often and then pour myself back in.
I can trace the beginnings of the problems. I can see the forced break and the picking back up of the problem. I have a map in my mind of where it started, continued and ended. I go over it every day that's something that I think helps me. I have learned recently not to beat myself up about the past but, learn from it and promise myself not to repeat it. If we spend all our energy punching ourselves over our past we begin to feel defeated. So, I have to look at why I did what I did. Not the things I did once I was drunk. But, why I took that first drink when I knew and I mean knew it was going to turn out badly because I could tell when I was gonna binge. I have practiced slight moderation over the last 60 day's--very little. I think that I will eventually just leave it completely behind me as it really doesn't fit in this new chapter of my life.
Life is better now. SO much better. Yes, examining feelings is difficult. Yes, motivation is difficult at times. Yes, I've had cravings and moments where I wanted to say forget it, I'm just gonna jump back inside the bottle. But, I have real converstaions with my kids again, and real conversations with my husband. I am not always fighting with my husband or worrying that he's gonna leave me. I have noticed that I have these amazing, deep, warm, feelings about those I love. And wonder if perhaps while I was deep in drink, did I forget how to love and now it's just waking back up? I don't know--maybe.
I was killing myself and doubt I would have made it another year. I am so thankful for this site and everyone on here. I am so thankful for this chance. And am grateful for my 60 days. Life without alcohol is better---it just is. Thanks for listening. :-)