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10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lynn,

Great work yesterday and the AF days over the last week. You are 100% correct. You can do this! I can really relate to what you are saying about getting together in a social environment and the immense pressure one can feel. I distinctly remember a couple of situations were it felt like I was walking up stream and the current suddenly got EXTREMELY strong, almost over-whelming. I mean I was having a FULL-ON argument with myself and felt more than a bit of anxiety. And the reality of the situation is....expect it and push through it because it's GOING to happen and that's perfectly ok. It can't hurt you. It's no different than going to the gym. We're not that strong at first and that last push on the weights takes an enormous amount of effort but as you practice and train you get stronger and become much more efficient. You start to look forward to the challenge of it. That's what we're doing now; we're building up our mental strength and resources so we can take on more difficult challenges and use our strength to assert control. It will pay huge dividends later when the bigger challenges come up.....and they always do.

Nicely doen Lynn. Keep going!

All the best,

10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Good morning and how does it feel?  Even if you didn't get much sleep last night I am sure you feel better than most morning!  Great job on your night.  What are your plans today?

Dave, I have found the advice you gave Zoey to be so true.  A lack of a solid plan for the day, one without an "out", ends up not being a plan at all.

Jewel, thank you so much for your support.  It helps to know there is someone to reach out to with recent memories of your struggles.

Have a good day everyone!

10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Zoey,

Great job on day 1! Stay focused on this week. You mentioned..."I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I do know one thing for sure if I do drink it will be measured  and a limit set ....."...... Forget about drinking PERIOD for now. When you make a statement like that you giving yourself permission to drink and that's not your goal here, correct? Treat thoughts like that as "The Addictive Voice" that is the motivator to push you to drink again. ANY suggestion that goes against your goal of not drinking needs to be shut down. Disassociate yourself from the voice and challenge and contradict any suggestion that you drink. It works. If you're thirsty, grab an iced tea or something.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

10 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Jewel,

It was a good day for sure. We will get there right Lynn?   
10 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Even though I'm in bed I'm still awake's been a long long time since I went one day without wine..
Today was a challenge. 

Good for you that you set a time to matter what it takes. It's all uphill. I don't know what tomorrow will
Bring. I do know one thing for sure if I do drink it will be measured  and a limit set .

 I will do whatever I have too until I'm free. I hate the belly. I hate that this controls me now.  I am just looking so
Forward to when I can and will say ....... I'm AF for a month. Then two.  And so on...

We will get there. One day at a time.  I will be here we can do this together.  

I just had a nice cold glass of cranberry juice and ginger ale. Talk to you tomorrow.  

Oh thanks for the info. I really ate bad today. Funny I don't feel one bit bad.  Tomorrow back on track...


10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Zoey & Lynn,
Congrats to both of you!!! Your journeys have truly started. You guys have been on my mind all day. May you have a blessed evening and tomorrow. 

Support & Hope,
10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I understand the early thing.  Usually do it myself but I teach so I am at a time I don't have to get up quite so early.  Interesting the life we lead.  Drink all night and the get up in the AM and exercise.  Glad to know I am not the only one.  I teach science so here is a little bit of information you may not know to ease you guilt about the junk food you had.  Your body will actually break down that food much faster than it does alcohol.  When you (we) ingest alcohol the body immediately stops burning anything other than then alcohol...which means it stops burning fat!  This is why we have both experienced a weight gain despite the proper eating we may be doing.
Day has been good.  I had a change of plans but it worked out well.  I live in south Alabama so it is already really hot here.  My partner surprised me with a day off and a get together at our pool with our friends.  Once I knew of this I knew I was not strong enough (yet) to go completely AF so I made a quick adjustment in plans.  Set a time limit to stop, set a limit of half the number of drinks I normally consume in a night----and I did it!
I have gone several nights after going this site being AF, so I know I can do it.  Tonight was a big accomplishment to me knowing I can, with support, do what I need to do.  I have to tell you, it would have been really easy to drink the way I normally drink at a pool party but knowing what you were battling tonight I figured it was the least I could do!
Congrats to you and let's see what tomorrow holds for us!

10 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lynn ,
It's 7:39. Early but I like to go to bed early because my day starts early.   How have your day been so far ?
I ate lots of junk food today.  Oh well I have to jog early am...

10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

What time is it where you are?  It is 8:35 here.
10 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Will made it through one day.  I feel really good.  Tomorrow is a new day.  

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