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struggling today

10 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not sure what you mean by "I don't know how able I would be to attend an AA meeting"? 

You don't have to say/do anything. All you need is a desire to stop drinking, then you are a member of AA. The obsession and in sanity that surrounds alcohol is something only people who have gone through the wringer would understand. Not everyone can quit on their own resources. Some of us have developed a peculiar mental twist that when it comes to alcohol we succumb to the urges. Maybe a month or two even years could go by but one-day, your mind start talking: you haven't drank in few ........days/ could handle a drink or two and then you totally forget the consequences and take that 1 drink and then a false sense of feel of conquering alcohol sets in but pretty quickly back to the old-times.
10 years ago 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Many thanks Dave. Much appreciated. 

I managed to resist urges today. I arranged to go to work and meet my colleague (i was on holiday today) and prep for a conference our organisation is hosting, have cooked dinner and tidied up. I will stock up on all the items you suggested to help and have  planned and arranged with my friend a few serious gym sessions over the next few days....I've definitely been neglecting my exercise regime which I find so important for my mental health also.

I do feel pretty drained today....all the thinking I'm doing, the alcohol leaving my system and the arguments I've been having in my head with myself over the last few days, weeks even....I'm hoping being exhausted (in a good way :)) from exercise will shut the 'voices' off in my head so to speak.

A routine, focus and strategy are definitely important for me in staying off drink....and the wish to also of course.

Thank you again.

10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tal,

I read through your blog and posts and I could have written them myself not so long ago. The first week is a lot of turmoil. Your body needs time to adjust, which it is doing right now. Yes, it's uncomfortable and disconcerting at times but perfectly normal, it can't hurt you, and it will pass so hold strong to your convictions. AA works for some, and doesn't work for others. Only you can decide. It really sounds like you're ready to make a positive change so good for you realizing that. Stay busy, and drink lot's of water. Adding a slice of fresh lemon helps your liver. Load up on the B vitamins. RescueKitten had a good list of vitamins and supplements on her introduction post so check there. 

You've made the right decision Tal. No doubt there's a lot of yelling going on in your help about it, again understandable. Stay focused and use the site. Post lots, it will really help. I you feel like having a drink, drink something healthy right away. I curbs the urge to drink and builds postive associations.

Best regards,

10 years ago 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for your reply. I hope it's not wrong to say but at this stage I don't know how able I would be to attend an AA meeting although it is something I would and will give consideration to. Some family members have attended and no longer drink and have no desire to drink either. What a fantastic achievement. I can see how it is a great help and's just the face to face contact I'm a bit scared of at this moment....just trying to get my head round everything is a bit overwhelming at the moment but I really do appreciate your advice. 
10 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am sure there are some local AA meetings around where you live. Early on I went to a meeting every day and slowly as I started working the 12 steps, the obsession went away and today I am a free man. I can be around liquor, yet I don't have any desire to consume. You can do it too, just a little bit of willingness is all what it takes. For some will power is very weak when it comes to alcohol, we need to overcome that insanity hence we need help beyond human.
10 years ago 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am struggling today after a weekend of drinking. I had a long holiday weekend, the drinking started on Friday but I was pretty sensible (stopped at a reasonable hour, no black outs- just buzzy),  kicked the arse out of it on Saturday with disastrous consequences. Just to take the edge off on Sunday I had 2 beers and yesterday a further 2 beers and cider. Can't drink today as I am working tomorrow but really feel the urge to drink (slight case of the shakes and boredom). Planning to do some prep for work and catch up on things I didn't get around to doing due to my alcohol consumption/ indulging in guilty feelings since Sunday. This pattern of drinking and being is so harmful to me but using this site will be of great benefit to me I'm sure.

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