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Thinking about taking the leap

10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Keep up the great work Camiol! This week seems to be going by fast......

Here's one thing that I find has helped me when I'm faced with challenges that would have previously been a trigger and motivated me to drink. I always approach them with the view that this is a test that was sent because I'm ready for it and I need to get past it so I can move on to the next, otherwise I'll have to repeat it until I get past it. It can often feel uncomfortable but who cares?! Crush it into submission! We've spent entirely too much time letting the challenges get the upper hand and it's time to turn the tables. Getting past it and living through some discomfort is well worth it because it builds on your resolve. Then, what previously seemed like a challenge is a peace of cake and you don't give it a second thought. It frees your mind to move on to more important things, things you are really meant to be doing but were previously in too much of a fog to see. 

You're doing great Camiol! Your resolve is an inspiration to everyone here.

Best regards,

10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you toxicsoul, sian and crazygolfer, I appreciate your support and encouragement.  It inspires me to push along and keep up the good fight.  

Toxicsoul you're so right, it took some time, but I realize I can't have just one drink.  I can limit how many times I drink but most of the time it was difficult to limit myself when I did drink.

Crazygolfer I know how tough it is to grasp the idea of never drinking again, I've been there.  This time I'm not saying never again, I'm saying not's easier this way.  I plan to stay abstinent, but taking it each day, rather than just saying never seems to ease the fear of quitting.  

Sian I am very committed, I feel ready and I feel I need to do this for my well being, happiness, and my family.  

Thank you again to all of you.  I really appreciate your feedback.
10 years ago 0 100 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Camiol, thanks for sharing your progress. By the sounds of it you are truly ready to do whatever it takes. Your motivation and commitment are coming through loud and clear - keep it up, you certainly have the strength to do this.
10 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great decision Camiol! A very soul searching one no doubt. Coming to the realization that one drink is too many, in my case, was extremely liberating. Now that you've made that decision you can get on with things and not think about what you no longer can do but what you can do.
10 years ago 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
congratulations Camiol, and thanks for the inspiration, I have been abstaining for close to 3 weeks with one slip (yes, a Friday, I too have problem with that day historically). I am struggling with the concept of giving up drinking all together, but certainly recognize and appreciate the clear mind and better physical feelings when waking up after a sober day. This site and the good thoughts of people on here certainly help me keep the focus on the great aspects of sobriety, and one helpful thing I have found is to reach for a non alcoholic drink when I come through the door after work. Keep those positive thoughts, and always remember you have the strength to achieve the goal, I am sure trying to.
10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Dave and Rob!  Still feeling great about my decision today and maintaining a positive attitude.  Self talk helps a lot, and reminding myself of all the benefits I'll reap from abstinence is very helpful.  The thought of not drinking doesn't bother me at this point which is definitely a change from other times I've tried to quit where I'd almost be freaking out about it.  The encouragement and support of everyone here will most certainly make me want to forge ahead.  
10 years ago 0 252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I would sincerely wish you all the best.
Take care.
10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That totally rocks Camiol! I have no doubt you'll be successful and I'm looking forward to hearing about your progress. What an excellent way to start the year and the inspiration for everyone here.
All the best,
10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I truly don't feel any doubt about quitting, I feel like I'm taking my life back, and I'm in charge of this addiction, it's not in charge of me.  Any other time I thought about putting alcohol aside, I'd feel fearful, like I'd be losing my best friend.  This time I feel excited, and free!

I'm not fooling myself into thinking this will be easy, I know I'll have my difficult moments, but I'll face them head on and deal with each situation as it arises.  As you know Friday has always been my serious drinking day.  I'm a already planning to paint my entrance this Friday night after work so I am distracted from thoughts of having wine.  

I like your suggestions about adding fruit to the water, I just may try that.  I personally love my water plain with lots of ice, but adding a bit of zing to it will be nice for a change.  I drink a lot of water every day.  I'm not concerned about weight loss, I'm at a healthy weight, but getting fit would certainly benefit me.  I'll keep you posted on my progress.  Thanks for being here.

10 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That life you are describing sounds wonderful and very healthy. It sounds like you are ready for this. I don't hear any doubt in your words at all.
What I thought of when you said you will be drinking plenty of water, was that I hope you're going to make the water fun! I just took a liking to putting some sliced strawberries and basil in water or soda with ice. Yum! I also just read about a weight loss water that contains sliced cucumber, tangerine, grapefruit, and mint. Keep all the ingredients in a glass jug and refill with water as needed throughout the day. Now, I'm not too sure about it causing weight loss but it does sound refreshing!
I guess I thought of these refreshing drinks as that's the feeling I got when I heard you describe your new life...refreshing!
However you feel the next few weeks. I am looking forward to reading about it.

Ashley, Health Educator

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