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10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Signe....I too have a wine problem, and you're right, it seems that many of us women are addicted to it.  I actually did some research online a while back about wine and women.  It seems the sugar content in wine is what becomes addictive.  I was also in a very stressful job and my wine consumption progressed to uncontrolled drinking.  It's been a long road trying to get my life back and a difficult feat to achieve, but I'm working on it and feeling like I'm working towards getting back to the old me.  I had a slip on the weekend, and no doubt there will be many triggers in my future, but I'm keeping myself in fight mode, and remind myself that I can't have just one glass.  Typically I'd drink half of a 1.5 litre bottle of wine in an evening.  This occurred 4-5 times a week.  I hope to see you continue posting here, it's a great place to gain insight, and receive support and advice.  
10 years ago 0 25 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Right now, I dont feel like saying something smart or to analyse too much... It is about time for a confession. I have read around a lot on this site and it seems like the wine trap is increasingly dangerous to us women. I grew up being fed the notion that alcoholics were the "A-team" hanging around in parks, starting early on their beer and steeping it up until they were a nuisance to everyone passing. So having that half glass of wine in the evening when cooking, the other half glass at dinner and later another glass when doing the paper job, just seemed normal to me. But having wine every other day after the hard day of work, training and childrens activity is no longer a pleasure. I don't know if I crave it, but I need some way to reduce the stress level and to turn of the Duracell rabbit in me. Hence I admit that I like that little buzz that one or two glasses of wine give me. My problem is that Im tall and slim and a bad eater. So if I have a third glass, I will for sure fall asleep. I made a decision a week ago, to not deprive myself entirely from the buzz, but to moderate it as much as I could. I decided to not drink wine at all, but to change to a beer or a cidre, which might mellow my stress at a much slower rate and allow me to stay more in control of what I am doing. It has worked so far, and it has made a difference. From here I hope being able to move on.... Shame and guilt are so heavy to carry, especially when you have children...
10 years ago 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thanks to all for the support and encouragement, it does help me keep a positive outlook on the battle to improve. Camiol, don't get down on not making the 7 days, the main thing is you are back on track with good thoughts going forward, and probably more determined than ever to move forward and learn from past errors, this is going to be a long process and recognizing our weaknesses can only help all of us. I am going to make a plan for next Friday on a calendar and stick to that plan, no more silliness!
10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks squashed, I'm feeling much better about myself today.  I spent a lot of time beating myself up, and soul searching yesterday.  What upset me so much was if I hadn't drank wine on Friday, yesterday would have marked 7 days of zeros in my diary and I REALLY wanted to reach that goal.  I was really pissed at myself for having to start over.  My daughter and I had a nice night together, and I got things done around my house that I've been wanting to tackle, but drinking always got in the way.  It felt good to accomplish something and today I'll be tackling more tasks, being productive is a great feeling.  
10 years ago 0 42 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Camiol and Crazygolpher

You have simply struck a speed bump along your way. You didn't let it stop you altogether and now you are back on track. You know when the next one presents itself ( Friday) so you will be prepared, make some adjustments and glide right over it. 

10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks crazygolfer and toxicsoul for being so understanding and Supportive.  I did buy a 1.5 litre bottle, that's what I drank half of.  Like you toxicsoul I never buy the small bottle for fear of running out.  I suppose I did show some semblance of control, I could easily drink a lot more than half the bottle in a four hour period.  Hell I'd probably drink the whole thing.  

Tonight is a different story, no wine, so no messing up.  You're both right, we have more sober days than not which is a wonderful thing.  Baby steps are better than no steps.  I'm going to work hard towards not drinking next Friday.  That is my goal.  I can easily make it through the week.  I'm really starting to hate Fridays.  
10 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are so right crazygolfer, you both are having a lot more days sober than not. Camiol, why on earth are you beating yourself up? You only drank half the bottle and then you stopped. You controlled how much you drank! That is totally fabulous. I could never have stopped at half a bottle. I would have drank the whole thing then gone searching to see if there was any booze in the house that I had forgotten about. I am not talking about a small bottle, I would drink a 1.5 ltr. bottle in four hours easily. I got to the point where I would buy two if anyone came over for fear they would come empty handed and I wouldn't have enough for myself. No Camiol, you, in my opinion have nothing to feel bad about. Like I said, you were able to control how much you drank. Kudos!
10 years ago 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Guess what Camiol, I failed too, a friend called and I gave into temptation, no pressure from the friend, no real cravings or urge, just thought why not. I am trying to take a positive out of this and looking at it as a learning experience on a) avoidance, and b) having the strength and personal satisfaction of self control. Don't get down, we are on the right path with a lot more sober days than not!
10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Don't worry Camiol. It will only make your success going forward that much more satisfying. Next Friday WILL be a success. That I have no doubt.

Best regards,

10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry crazygolfer, last night was a fail.  I ended up having some wine.  The Friday night habit got the best of me and I stupidly caved in to it.  I feel like an ass, and I'm trying to figure out how I let this happen.  I drove to a local grocery store last night to pick up a quick dinner at the hot deli.  The liquor store is right next to it.  As soon as I saw the store, wine came to mind and I walked in and bought a bottle.  I drank half of it over a 4 hour period.  This morning I poured the rest down the drain.  I've already marked zeros in my diary for today so it reinforces my desire to kick this damn habit.  

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