Ugh -- family got a stomach bug yesterday, and the kids stayed home sick all day. I'm up now at 2 in the morning, because my whole body hurts. Why is it that even like this, I feel like a glass of wine would help my tummy feel better? It's like when I used to smoke years ago. I would smoke my way through hacking coughs, because I was convinced it helped my lungs feel better. It's crazy, isn't it?
I have a quote for everyone here, from C.S.Lewis: "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one." I think that's why this forum works so well. We don't all have to really know each other to know that we can be friends. We all have this terrible problem that feels so lonely and personal and frightening, and then we come here and find out, What! You too?
I've been dealing with insomnia lately anyway, and the sleep deprivation always gets me slightly depressed. My H's birthday was this past weekend, and I was so busy with kid stuff (soccer tournament, swimming lessons, Girl Scouts) that we barely celebrated. My own birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and daily I tell myself that it would be so nice to celebrate with a glass of wine. I would only have one!! Or maybe two!! Or - what the hell, I could have a whole bottle, but it would be the only time I would drink for the entire year!! Right....
I will be going to a party a couple of days before my birthday at a friend's house. This friend is very wealthy, with a fabulous house and pool, and the last time I went to a party there (several years ago), I drank way too much. My kids were much smaller then, and they kept getting into stuff they shouldn't, because I wasn't keeping a very good eye on them. I finally overheard one person say in strong disapproval, "where is their mother right now?" It was slightly embarrassing at the time, and hugely embarrassing by the time I was completely sober the next day. I know the alcohol will be flowing freely at this upcoming party, and my kids will be with a babysitter this time. And even with that painful memory, the little voice in my head keeps saying "what a perfect opportunity to drink..."
And yet, because of the AHC website and this forum, I am now two months sober. I'm pretty sure I can get through all of these upcoming events, and not only stay sober, but have a good time as well. The constant support and lack of judgment on this site is so nice. Thanks, friends.