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Friend W

18 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I hate after-symptoms. You know it's what's happening yet it's hard to do anything about them. I started the day off good and then had some anxiety and forced myself to take 1/2 a valium near 8:45 a.m. and then a whole one near lunch time about 12:00. I had to work my part/time job or I would not have had to take any. I am seeing my fiance tonight and I will have a good night. After symptoms are tough because I did not experience the usual ones right after my anxiety/panic attack nearly 3 Saturday's ago, but two weeks later is when it got bad at work at my full-time job. I have been slightly off ever since and even cried a couple of times. The anxiety I have now is about dying and it's really hard to deflect sometimes. My fiance has the same kind of thing, but handles it differently. I worked out this morning for a bit and then did some cardio right after work. I wish you luck with your situation. I do not really know much about it, but it seems you have a handful to deal with. Tell me more about it if you wish. David
18 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wrestler im glad to hear you had a slightly better day the after symptoms are awful and they just seem to linger.Thats great news about the job interview i hope it all works out for you somethings gotta give hey.i dont know what im going to do about my husband he has hurt me yet again but this time i cant get upst i am just so angry with him my psychologist wants me to talk to my parents to get their support but they love my husband(probably more than me at the moment)and they would probably blame me for our problems even though nobody knows the half of what goes on with him i just feel trapped damned if i do damned if i dont.Im trying to do the positives but its so hard to be positive when your marriage is going down the tubes.Thanks for talking with me i appreciate it :)Take care. Lulu..
18 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi lulu, I had a better day today. I did not have as much panic symptoms. I took a 5mg valium a little bit before work and it seemed to really help me function. At first it makes you a bit sloppy, but then you feel it kick in and you can go about your day. My fiance called me in the morning to surprise me because she knew I was not feeling well. It worked. I cried some and then I found out about a job near Orlando that is a dayshift. I am going for an interview next week. I also worked out and then went to work and also worked on our wedding announcement addresses. I just played my guitar a bit. Yes, to answer your question, I have been playing a long time, about 25 years. It's a beautiful guitar tha my fiance bought me. Talk to you soon and thanks for listening, David
18 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wrestler Thats ok :) im glad to hear you had a good birthday have you played guitar long?I had lessons with a guy booked so i could learn but then i was diagnosed with this panic disorder i had to cancel but im going to rebook eventually cause i love guitar. Your work hours would suit me im a night owl exept for the past week ive been going to bed early to escape this depression but it will pass and life will get back to some sort of normality.Try not to miss doing the things you enjoy like your yoga classes because you need to do the things you love to take your mind off anxiety and panic(easy for me to say ive locked myself in my home for the past 3 months) ;p Talk to you soon take care. Lulu..
18 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks so much lulu. I had a great birthday. My fiance bought me a 12-string guitar. I have had two panic attacks in the last 3 weeks and the one last Saturday was awful and I have not felt that great since. I just found out that my job is going to be 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. and my fiance works days. :(. I am gonna have to change my job and it's not an easy time because I am going through this depression. I know I will break out of it and will be fine, but it's so hard sometimes. I am also glad you are looking into yoga. I missed my class today because I was feeling a little down. Take care and thanks again David
18 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
:) 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY WRESTLER' :) Hope you had a fantastic day! Lulu..
18 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wrestler, Hi there how are you and your fiancee doing? I hope you are both well.Just wanted to let you know i made it through the funeral service yesterday though i had 2 panics where i wanted to run away sooo bad but made myself stay but it was hard then after the service i had another panic where i forced myself to stay.I had to travel home today a 3hour trip for a visit with my psychologist which i really look forward to each week.Im going to the library tomorrow to see what they have on Yoga for me so i'll let you know how i go.Talk to you soon :) Lulu..

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